Washington Examiner: Senators burning for big fixes to wildfire problems
After a wildfire season that burned up 9.4 million acres and cost taxpayers about $4.2 billion, lawmakers want a comprehensive solution to the budget and management problems that are fanning the fires. In the third hearing about the 2015 wildfire season held by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Chairwoman Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said her state and other western states cannot endure many more fire seasons like 2015, which took the lives of three firefighters in Washington state. At one point this year, 200 fires were burning in Murkowski’s home state. Alaska accounted for 54 percent of the land
KMMS: Daines’ and AG Fox’s Brawl of the Wild Rivalry Continues
Senator Steve Daines and Attorney General Tim Fox have entered into their third annual wager over the upcoming University of Montana/Montana State University football game. If the Bobcats win the Brawl of the Wild, Attorney General Fox will be forced to wear a blue and gold Montana State necktie for a full day of work. Should the Grizzlies prevail, Senator Daines will likewise wear a University of Montana tie for a full workday. As Fox has won this bet in both of the past two years, the pressure is on to see if the Bobcats can pull through and break
Senator Daines’ and Attorney General Fox’s “Brawl of the Wild” Rivalry Continues
Montana Senator Steve Daines and Attorney General Tim Fox have entered into their third annual wager over the upcoming University of Montana – Montana State University football game. If the Bobcats win the Brawl of the Wild, Attorney General Fox will be forced to wear a blue and gold Montana State necktie for a full day of work. Should the Grizzlies prevail, Senator Daines will likewise wear a University of Montana tie for a full workday. As Fox has won this bet in both of the past two years, the pressure is on to see if the Bobcats can pull
Daines: We Need Forest Management Reform
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today fervently implored his Senate colleagues to take long-needed action and move forward bipartisan legislation that includes both a solution for wildfire funding and responsible forest management reforms. Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. Click here to download Daines’ remarks. During a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on wildfire management strategies, Daines reiterated the need for comprehensive, bipartisan solutions that address the wildfire funding challenges facing the Forest Service, implement litigation reforms and improve the health of the National Forest system through increased active forest management. “I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, let’s come
Daines Introduces Legislation to Roll Back Red Tape for Small Businesses
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation to protect Montana small businesses from burdensome regulations found in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 317-page “net neutrality” rules. The Small Business Broadband Deployment Act of 2015 would make permanent a temporary exemption from the FCC’s new so-called “enhanced transparency requirements,” which would require Internet service providers to disclose an excess of information about their network performance, some of which may require hiring an engineer. Daines’ bill makes the temporary exemption permanent so that small businesses don’t have to comply with unnecessary and burdensome regulations that would cost small businesses time and money. “Burdensome
Great Falls Tribune: Montana has no plans to close border to refugees from Syria
WASHINGTON – Montana does not plan to close its borders to refugees from Syria following last week’s attacks in Paris, Gov. Steve Bullock said Monday. “Montana has a process in place for considering refugee settlement requests. We are reviewing those protocols to ensure that if a request comes (that) we take all appropriate steps to ensure that the safety of Montanans will not be jeopardized by their placement.” said Bullock, a Democrat. “If there are safety concerns about any refugees that are requesting settlement, they will be denied.” The governor said no Syrian refugees have settled in the state and he
Daines to President Obama: U.S. Should Not Accept Syrian Refugees
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today called on President Obama to stop the United States from taking in Syrian refugees: “Until we have the capability to complete comprehensive and exhaustive background checks on Syrian refugees before they reach our shores, the United States should immediately stop taking in new refugees from the region. We are at war with Islamic extremists and anything less than 100% verification of these refugees’ backgrounds puts our national security at risk. “While I have strong sympathy for those caught in the conflict in Syria and the region, the President’s current plan to take in 10,000 Syrian
ABC News Radio: Sen. Steve Daines Talks Obamacare in GOP Address
(WASHINGTON) — In this week’s Republican address, Montana Sen. Steve Daines talks repealing Obamacare. According to the senator, the Senate will soon be voting to repeal the health care law, and he hopes Republicans will replace Obamacare with “state-led solutions that put patients back in the center of the health care equation.” “When the federal government takes over our health care system and puts the whims of Washington bureaucrats over the needs of hardworking American families, prices go up and the quality of care goes down,” said Daines. “After five years of seeing President Obama’s experiment with Americans’ health care
Newsmax: Daines: Senate Republicans Pushing for State-Led Solutions on Healthcare
The Senate will soon be voting to repeal Obamacare, Montana Sen. Steve Daines said in Saturday’s GOP address, and he is pushing for Republicans to replace the healthcare law with “state-led solutions that put patients back in the center of the healthcare equation.” Obamacare puts the “whims of Washington bureaucrats over the needs of hardworking American families,” Daines said Saturday. “After five years of seeing President Obama’s experiment with Americans’ health care result in failure and embarrassment, the American people know that it’s time to stop putting more Band-Aids on something that’s so far beyond repair.” Open enrollment began for