Daines Continues Fight to Block Internet Sales Tax
Daines, Ayotte, Rubio, Lee urge congressional leaders to oppose so-called Marketplace Fairness Act WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Cyber Monday, Senator Steve Daines urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to reject any legislation to impose onerous Internet sales tax requirements that would hurt online retailers in Montana and across the nation. In a letter to Congressional leadership, Daines joined Senators Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) to underscore the detrimental impact that a federal Internet sales tax would have on Montana small businesses that rely on the Internet to grow their businesses
Daines to Lead Montana Energy 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines announced that he will be spearheading Montana Energy 2016 in Billings this upcoming spring. The summit, sponsored by Daines, the Montana Contractors’ Association, the Montana Coal Council, the Montana Petroleum Association, the Montana Chamber Foundation and KLJ, will take place in Billings, Montana on March 30 and 31, 2016. “Montana holds a vital role in securing our nation’s all-of-the-above energy strategy and it’s vital that we work together to ensure our state remains an energy leader for years to come,” Daines stated. “Montana Energy 2016 will bring together key stakeholders to help increase innovation and move Montana’s energy opportunities to
Sidney Herald: Daines, Zinke work to protect Port of Raymond operational hours
U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Montana, and U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., have urged U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials to reverse plans to reduce operating hours at the Port of Raymond and terminate the northeastern Montana border crossing’s 24-hour operating status. In a letter to CBP Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske, Daines and Zinke highlighted the important role that the Port of Raymond holds for regional economic activity and the overwhelming local concern surrounding CBP’s recent decision to reduce operating hours. “Terminating the Port of Raymond’s 24-hour status would create costly route diversions and impair the flow of goods in an
KMMS: Daines Encourages Montanans to “Shop Small,” Tomorrow
In recognition of Small Business Saturday, Senator Steve Daines is encouraging his fellow Montanans to “shop small” and join him in highlighting the important contributions that Montana’s small businesses make to Montana’s economy year round. “Small businesses are the backbone of Montana’s economy,” Daines stated. “When small businesses grow, our economy grows. Our country was founded on hard work and entrepreneurship and I’m proud that Montana small businesses continue to lead the way and exemplify the best of our country’s heritage. I encourage my fellow Montanans to shop small and join me in supporting Montana small businesses not just this
Daines Encourages Montanans to “Shop Small” on November 28
BOZEMAN, Mont. — In recognition of Small Business Saturday, Senator Steve Daines is encouraging his fellow Montanans to “shop small” and join him in highlighting the important contributions that Montana’s small businesses make to Montana’s economy year round. Daines is an original cosponsor of a bipartisan resolution to recognize November 28, 2015 as “Small Business Saturday” and to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. S.Res. 304 unanimously passed the United States Senate. “Small businesses are the backbone of Montana’s economy,” Daines stated. “When small businesses grow, our economy grows. Our country was founded on hard work and entrepreneurship and
Missoulian: Congress: Lock in full PILT funding by Christmas
Montana’s congressional delegation is joining with dozens of other U.S. senators and representatives in urging their leaders to figure out quickly how to fully fund a program that supplied more than $29 million to Montana counties this year. Payments In Lieu of Taxes help offset losses in property taxes because of nontaxable federal lands: national forests and parks, as well as Bureau of Land Management and Fish and Wildlife Service lands. The U.S. Department of Interior estimates it’ll take $452 million to fully fund it in the nearly 1,900 affected counties across 49 states. U.S. Sens. Steve Daines, R-Mont., and Jon
Sen. Daines: We Need Innovation, Not Regulation
The University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) just released a study that confirms what many of us feared – President Obama’s Clean Power Plan is a job killer poised to be the “most significant economic event to occur in Montana in more than 30 years.” The full impact of President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency will be felt the hardest by those who can least afford it – Montana families and small business owners. Families will see a $500 million loss in annual income, and communities will go without $145 million per year in revenue that would
Bloomberg BNA: GOP Lawmakers Query FCC on Enforcement, Net Neutrality
Congressional Republicans in both chambers peppered the FCC with questions about its Enforcement Bureau and the impact of its net neutrality rules on small businesses, in two letters sent to agency Chairman Tom Wheeler late Nov. 19. GOP senators weighed in on the practices of an Enforcement Bureau that has become more aggressive under its current chief, Travis LeBlanc. Against the backdrop of an ongoing legal dispute over the agency’s controversial Open Internet rules, a raft of House Republicans wrote the FCC, urging it to exempt small Internet service providers from transparency requirements. Five members of the Senate Commerce, Science
KYYA: Daines, Zinke Work to Protect Port of Raymond Operational Hours
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Montana Senator Steve Daines and Representative Ryan Zinke today urged U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials to reverse plans to reduce operating hours at the Port of Raymond and terminate the northeastern Montana border crossing’s 24-hour operating status. In a letter to CBP Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske, Daines and Zinke highlighted the important role that the Port of Raymond holds for regional economic activity and the overwhelming local concern surrounding CBP’s recent decision to reduce operating hours. “Terminating the Port of Raymond’s 24-hour status would create costly route diversions and impair the flow of goods in an important economic corridor,” Daines