
Daines Applauds Passage of Multi-Year Highway Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the passage of a multi-year highway bill that provides Montanans much-needed certainty in infrastructure investments:  “The long-overdue passage of a multi-year highway bill is great news for Montana and a critical step forward in providing our state with the certainty needed to make long-term infrastructure investments,” Daines stated. “Our transportation infrastructure is a critical component of our state’s economy and given Montana’s short construction season, it’s imperative that communities and contractors alike have the certainty needed to move forward with badly-needed infrastructure improvement projects.  This bill ends Congress’s irresponsible trend of short-term Band-Aids and temporary extensions

Daines Upholds Promise to Montanans to Repeal Obamacare

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today hailed the passage of legislation that repeals the President’s failed health care law and puts states on a glide path toward creating locally driven health care solutions, upholding the promise Daines made to Montanans to continue fighting to repeal Obamacare. “Last year, when I decided to run for Montana’s open Senate seat, I promised the people of Montana that I would work tirelessly to repeal Obamacare. Today, I upheld that promise and voted to repeal President Obama’s broken health care law,” Daines stated. “President Obama will now have to decide whether to put the American people

Billings Gazette: House vote stops coastal Indians from blocking port for Montana coal

Plans for a controversial port in Puget Sound for Montana coal will advance under a House rider preventing coastal Indians from stopping the project. House lawmakers lead by Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., voted to keep the permitting process going for the Gateway Pacific Terminal near Bellingham, Wash. The Lummi Nation, which has fishing waters next to Cherry Point, had asked the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to abandon its review of the port proposal. The Lummi argued that its treaty rights would be violated by the terminal. However, Montana’s Crow Tribe made a counter argument that its treaty rights to

MTN News: Republicans in Congress pass bill to block clean-power regs; veto likely

HELENA – Montana’s two Republican members of Congress are hailing the passage of bills blocking the Obama administration’s clean power plan – but the bills face an almost certain veto. “I urge (President Barack Obama) to drop his veto threat and sign into law this common-sense legislation to rein in the unchecked fourth branch of government and protect thousands of good-paying union and tribal jobs,” Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., said in a statement Tuesday. Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont, also said he is “proud to lead the fight against these onerous Washington regulations,” along with Daines and Montana Attorney General Tim

Daines Applauds House Rebuke of President Obama’s Unaffordable Energy Regulations

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the House of Representative’s bipartisan vote to fully nullify President Obama’s anti-coal regulations that threaten more than 7,000 Montana jobs. “Today Congress sent a clear message to President Obama that the American people don’t want and can’t afford his job-killing, anti-energy agenda. The United States should be on the cutting edge of technological advances in energy development – not actively working against American entrepreneurs who can help our country power the world,” Daines stated. “While it would be no surprise to see President Obama once against reject the will of the American people, I urge

KMMS: The Future of Montana Agriculture and FFA is Bright

A little different “blue and gold” descended upon Bozeman, Nov. 12 through the 14, in the form of 1,545 Montana Future Farmers of America (FFA) members, 4-H members, advisers and guests. For the fourth year in a row, the John Deere Agriculture Expo was deemed a success by FFA. Three days were packed with providing students the opportunity to compete in Career Development Events, tour through MSU campus, and participate in elite leadership conferences. The foundation welcomed 40 special guests from around the Big Sky state, including Senator Steve Daines, representatives from John Deere, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Dr.

Daines Works to Provide Tax Relief for Montana Farmers, Small Businesses, Families and Tribes

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On “Tax Relief Tuesday,” Senator Steve Daines spoke out on the need to pass bipartisan, comprehensive solutions that permanently protect Montana families, famers and ranchers, small businesses and tribes from burdensome and uncertain tax hikes. Daines emphasized his continued commitment to working toward reforms that end Washington’s habit of passing last-minute extensions of critical tax provisions and instead provide the long-term certainty needed to generate new economic investment and innovation in Montana. “Our tax code is nearly five times as long as the Bible, but with none of the good news,” Daines stated. “Congress needs to provide hardworking small businesses,

Daines Continues Fight to Block Internet Sales Tax

Daines, Ayotte, Rubio, Lee urge congressional leaders to oppose so-called Marketplace Fairness Act WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Cyber Monday, Senator Steve Daines urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to reject any legislation to impose onerous Internet sales tax requirements that would hurt online retailers in Montana and across the nation.   In a letter to Congressional leadership, Daines joined Senators Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) to underscore the detrimental impact that a federal Internet sales tax would have on Montana small businesses that rely on the Internet to grow their businesses

Daines to Lead Montana Energy 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines announced that he will be spearheading Montana Energy 2016 in Billings this upcoming spring.  The summit, sponsored by Daines, the Montana Contractors’ Association, the Montana Coal Council, the Montana Petroleum Association, the Montana Chamber Foundation and KLJ, will take place in Billings, Montana on March 30 and 31, 2016.  “Montana holds a vital role in securing our nation’s all-of-the-above energy strategy and it’s vital that we work together to ensure our state remains an energy leader for years to come,” Daines stated. “Montana Energy 2016 will bring together key stakeholders to help increase innovation and move Montana’s energy opportunities to