
Billings Gazette: Montana Energy conference coming to Billings

A full schedule is available at . The panelists and speakers have been set for one of Montana’s largest energy industry trade meetings, held March 29 to March 31 at the Radisson Hotel in Billings. U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., announced Friday the panel lineup for the three-day conference, which will features leaders in industry and government. Eight panel sessions will be held, covering infrastructure needs, energy policy, renewables, export markets, research and education, wholesale energy markets and transmission, energy innovation and jobs. Another 11 keynote speakers will give talks, including U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., Crow Nation Chairman Darrin Old

News Talk KGVO: Rep. Ryan Zinke, Sen. Steve Daines and Others Press Air Force on Replacing Hueys

Last month, Rep. Ryan Zinke requested funds to acquire new helicopters at Malmstrom Airforce Base. During that time in a House Armed Services Committee hearing, Zinke pressed Admiral Cecil Haney about the use of out-of-date Huey helos at Malmstrom. “From talking to folks on the ground [at Malmstrom] and looking at it, and I concur, these are aging helicopters as well as they don’t have the lift and capacity. If they do get an alert situation, they just don’t have the hover time for the distances in Montana and I assume, Minot,” Zinke saidd. “Congressman, absolutely,” Haney said. “The Air Force

Daines Honors Montanans of the Week: The Eighth Grade Class at Big Timber Grade School

U.S. SENATE — Senator Steve Daines today recognized the eighth grade class at Big Timber Grade School for taking over the writing for the Big Timber Pioneer Newspaper. The Big Timber Pioneer participated in Newspapers in Education Week and the lucky new young writers were the eighth graders of the Big Timber Grade School. This very special edition of the newspaper was a compilation of stories written and pictures taken by the individuals. There are 38 students in the class and they all wrote an article. “Our eighth graders worked very hard on this edition. Lindsey Kroskob at the Pioneer was phenomenal! The special edition

Daines, Tester Help Introduce Bill to Increase Access to Medically Necessary Equipment in Rural America

U.S. SENATE —Montana Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester this week helped introduce the Patient Access to Durable Medical Equipment Act of 2016, legislation that would provide durable medical equipment (DME) providers and patients in certain parts of the country with relief from harmful payment policies. DME providers help connect patients with medically necessary equipment like wheelchairs, hospital beds, and oxygen.  This bipartisan legislation would extend the current payment phase-in period of six months to 15 months, which is necessary to avert deep cuts in reimbursement for these products. Without action, these cuts could harm Medicare beneficiary access following the rollout

Daines Calls on Air Force to Decide on UH-1N Helicopter Replacement

Leads Eight Senators in Letter to Air Force Secretary  U.S. SENATE —Senator Steve Daines today led eight Senators in calling on the Air Force to expedite their decision on the course of action to replace Vietnam–era UH-1N helicopters that provide security for our nuclear weapons.  Daines letter was signed by Senators Jon Tester (D-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Mike Enzi (R-WY) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), John Barrasso (R-WY) and Deb Fischer (R-NE).  In a letter to Secretary of the Air Force Deborah James, the Senators press the Air Force to decide between a sole source acquisition process U.S. Senator From Montana Calls ‘Champion Child’ Zeesy Bruk ‘Courageous’

It’s been just weeks since Zeesy Bruk was appointed the 2016 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Champion Child from the state of Montana. Yet already, the 5-year-old child of Rabbi Chaim and Chavie Bruk, co-directors of Chabad-Lubavitch of Montana, has been hailed by fans near and far, including U.S. Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), who released a video statement in which he called her a “very special” and “very courageous” little girl. Since birth, Zeesy has battled a rare genetic metabolic disorder characterized by the deficiency of a protein required for glucose to cross the blood-brain barrier, something that was only recently diagnosed and is now

Great Falls Tribune: Lawmakers push AF to expedite new helicopter

Members of the Montana congressional delegation are pressing the Air Force to make a decision regarding the planned replacement of the UH-1N Hueys flown at missile bases, including Malmstrom Air Force Base. Last week, Rep. Ryan Zinke sent a letter, with 14 other lawmakers, to the House Armed Services Committee and House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee requesting that funds be included in the fiscal year 2017 defense appropriations and authorization bills to replace the Hueys. The Hueys at Malmstrom are flown by the 40th Helicopter Squadron, which is part of Air Force Global Strike’s 582nd Helicopter Group. The group includes the

KLYQ: Caitlin Gillespie is Appointed to Air Force Academy

Hamilton’s Caitlin Gillespie has been appointed to the U.S. Air Force Academy. She had been nominated by all three Montana Congressmen earlier. Caitlin, a senior at Hamilton High School, already has completed her first solo flight as a pilot (see photo) and will continue to head to the sky with classes at the academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She has been captain of track and basketball teams, is an honor student and is a delegate to American Legion’s Girls State. Senator Steve Daines said in a news release, “I was proud to personally congratulate Caitlin on her appointment to the

Tester and Daines’ East Rosebud bill receives Senate hearing

Bipartisan legislation will preserve the free-flowing condition of the East Rosebud Creek  (U.S. Senate)—Montana Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines’ bill to designate the East Rosebud Creek as Wild and Scenic received a hearing today in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks.  Tester and Daines’ bill was built through on-the-ground collaboration and will preserve the free-flowing condition of East Rosebud Creek under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.  When S. 1577 becomes law, it will be the first Wild and Scenic designation in Montana in 40 years. “This legislation proves that on-the-ground collaboration works,” Tester said.  “Preserving