Great Falls Tribune: Military considering Army helicopters for temporary ICBM security
Since the Air Force has decided to use the normal open competition acquisition process for replacing the UH-1N Hueys flown at Malmstrom Air Force Base and other intercontinental ballistic missile bases, Sen. Steve Daines has continued to ask the military to activate the National Guard to provide security with its Black Hawk helicopters. Daines told the Tribune that he again suggested the idea to Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James during their Wednesday meeting and that she seemed receptive to the idea. The Army National Guard in Helena has Black Hawk helicopters, which some lawmakers have pushed to
Daines Announces UH-1N Helicopter Replacement Decision
U.S. SENATE — Following a meeting with U.S. Air Force Secretary Deborah James, U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that the Air Force will be going with the slowest proposed route to replace the Vietnam-era UH-1Ns that provide security for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base. The Air Force had the option to utilize existing contracts for Blackhawk helicopters and secure the ICBMs up to two years faster, or enter into a normal acquisition process. “We have an obligation to secure our nuclear weapons at Malmstrom,” Daines stated. “Right now, our world’s most powerful weapons are sitting unsecured in
CQ: EXCLUSIVE: Members Torn Over Proposed Helicopter Competition
The Air Force announced Wednesday evening it is “moving forward with a full and open competition” to replace its aging fleet of UH-1N Huey helicopters, including several dozen that are no longer capable of adequately responding if terrorists attack U.S. nuclear missiles. The decision to initiate a contest for more than $2 billion in helicopters was first reported by CQ. The proposal could bring to a boil an already simmering congressional debate over how to obtain new choppers for the mission. Some lawmakers had wanted the Air Force to forego a competition in the interest of security of the nuclear
Great Falls Tribune: AF makes decision on helicopter replacement
The Air Force has decided to go with a normal acquisition process to replace the UH-1N Huey helicopters flown at Malmstrom Air Force Base and other intercontinental ballistic missile bases. In a statement, the Air Force said Wednesday that it is “moving forward with a full and open competition for the replacement of the entire UH-1N fleet, which is consistent with the fiscal year 2017 President’s Budget Request.” Based on a request from the U.S. Strategic Command commander, the Air Force proposed an immediate reprogramming action, according to the Air Force, but after a thorough review, the Air Force “remains
Daines Introduces Rural Water Projects Legislation
U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation that would move Montana rural water projects forward and ensure the completion of authorized projects across Montana. The Western Water Supply and Planning Enhancement Act is a bill that would help improve the efficiency of existing water supply infrastructure, ease the regulatory burden on new projects and protect water rights that are critical to the prosperity of the western United States. The bill also accelerates implementation of Montana-made forest management projects that enhance watersheds and reduce the risk of wildfires. “If I told you that today, over 22,000 Montanans lack access to a steady supply
E&E: Lawmakers mobilize against corps for rejecting export terminal
Republicans and other pro-coal lawmakers attacked the Army Corps of Engineers yesterday for deciding to kill a proposed export facility in Washington state that proponents hoped would ship the fuel from Western mines to Asian markets. Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) accused the administration of ignoring the needs of his state and its mines. And Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) said he filed a Freedom of Information Act request for a trove of documents related to the Army Corps’ review of the so-called Gateway Pacific Terminal. After months of deliberations, Col. John Buck, commander of the Army Corps’ Seattle District, sided with
KMMS: Daines Introduces Rural Water Projects Legislation
Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation that would move Montana rural water projects forward and ensure the completion of authorized projects across Montana. The Western Water Supply and Planning Enhancement Act is a bill that would help improve the efficiency of existing water supply infrastructure, ease the regulatory burden on new projects and protect water rights that are critical to the prosperity of the western United States. “If I told you that today, over 22,000 Montanan’s lack access to a steady supply of water, you’d be angry,” Daines stated. “That’s why I introduced legislation that will provide a steady supply
Resolution Honoring Former U.S. Senator Conrad Burns Passes Senate
U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced the unanimous U.S. Senate passage of a resolution honoring former U.S. Senator Conrad Burns who passed away at the age of 81 on April 28, 2016. The resolution is below: S.RES. 457 Relative to the death of Conrad Ray Burns, former United States Senator for the State of Montana. 114th CONGRESS 2nd Session S. RES. 457 Relative to the death of Conrad Ray Burns, former United States Senator for the State of Montana. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Mr. McCONNELL (for himself, Mr. REID, Mr. TESTER, and Mr. DAINES) submitted the following
Daines Slams Unprecedented U.S. Army Corps Decision on Gateway Pacific Terminal
U.S. SENATE— U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) released their unprecedented de minimis determination halting the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal (GPT) infrastructure project based on the Lummi Tribe’s assertion that the project will impact their usual and accustomed fishing rights. This is the first time ACE has given a single tribe veto-authority of a project of this scale under their purview without a full environmental review with alternatives and mitigations formally explored. “Today the U.S. Army Corps chose one tribe’s treaty rights over another harming good-paying union and tribal jobs,” Daines stated. “The Gateway Pacific