
Daines, Tester Announce Appointment of Two Montanans to National Aviation Commission

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today announced that two Montanans—Mike Tooley, Director of the Montana Department of Transportation and Brian Sprenger, Director of Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport  —will be advising Congress on how to better enhance air transportation in small communities.  “Air travel makes it easier to do business, travel across our great state and connects our communities,” Daines stated. “Montanans have a unique perspective on the importance of air travel and I look forward to Mike and Brian bringing the Montana ingenuity to a national stage.” “In a state as sprawling as Montana, air travel connects folks,

Missoulian: Tidwell appears poised to stay on with Forest Service

U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell has not announced any intention to retire with the coming change of presidential administrations, which is another way of saying he appears to intend to continue in the job he’s got. “We can’t speculate on the chief’s intentions,” Forest Service spokesman Byron James said on Monday. “He is a career employee, not a political appointee. There is no need to reapply for the position when an administration changes. As a  career employee, he will continue to serve.” Tidwell was Region 1 Forester headquartered in Missoula before taking the job of chief of the Forest Service

Daines: Stream Protection is One Last Bad Act from Obama

BOZEMAN, Mont. —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Stream Protection Rule:  “The good news is in 31 days President Obama will no longer be in office,” Daines stated. “This final rule will be devastating for hardworking miners in Montana like the Crow tribal members working at the Absaloka Mine and create more challenges to operations at our other federal coal operations which provide critical sources of tax revenue and good-paying jobs throughout our state.”  In a recent letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump, Daines urged the President-elect to halt finalization of the Office of

Helena Independent Record: Helena Independent Record

Undersheriff Dave Rau entered the search and rescue headquarters Thursday afternoon thinking he was there for a staff meeting. Instead, he was greeted by Sen. Steve Daines, Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and his family.  “This is a very important moment,” Daines said as he thanked Rau and his loved ones for their sacrifices. Daines wanted a chance to thank Rau for his 20 years with the Lewis and Clark County Sheriff’s Office. Rau is retiring from the force at the end of the month.  Daines said he is honored to be able to place a letter he penned regarding

Daines Slams FCC’s Overregulation of Small Businesses

BOZEMAN, Mont. — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today slammed the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for failing to relieve small businesses of burdensome regulations found in the FCC’s 317-page “net neutrality” rules. The FCC failed to extend a small business exemption to the so-called “enhanced transparency requirements,” which requires internet service providers to disclose an excess of information about their network performance, some of which may require investing in new equipment and hiring an engineer.  “The FCC’s decision to subject small businesses to the enhanced transparency rules purely for political reasons is inexcusable,” Daines stated. “These small businesses are run by hardworking Americans who

KTVH: Daines proposes legislation to help wildland firefighters

(MTN NEWS-HELENA) U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) unveiled new legislation to help wildland firefighters and praised the selection of Rep. Ryan Zinke as the next U.S. Secretary of the Interior during a visit to Helena Thursday. Federal firefighters are entitled to retirement after 20 years because of the hazardous nature of their work. But if they get hurt and can’t return to a firefighting job, they’re currently forced to switch to a 30-year retirement track, like other federal workers.  Daines has introduced a bill that would let firefighters injured on the job remain on the 20-year track. It would also

KTVH: Undersheriff Rau honored for service

(MTN NEWS-HELENA) State and municipal leaders came together Thursday afternoon to honor Lewis & Clark County Undersheriff Dave Rau, who is retiring after 20 years of service.  The Sheriff’s office organized a surprise ceremony at the county search and rescue building to recognize Rau. U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Montana Attorney General Tim Fox were among those who spoke at the event.  Rau’s family, including his wife and one of his children, were in attendance. More than a dozen deputies, including an honor guard, took part in the ceremony. Daines shared a speech he will enter into the Congressional Record

KRTV: Senator Daines focuses on Agriculture concerns during state-wide tour

GREAT FALLS – Senator Steve Daines spent the past week visiting communities around Montana, wrapping up the 56 county tour Thursday in Chester. The senator says the tour gave him important feedback on key issues facing Montanans, including natural resource development creating more jobs along with issues farmers and ranchers are facing.     Daines says the top concern was the future of agriculture, the state’s top industry. “We have a big state, it’s a great state, and it’s the best part of my job is having a chance to sit down and have a cup of coffee with a lot of

KBZK: Senator Daines pays a visit to his old Elementary school

Senator Steve Daines took a trip back in time while talking to the future. Daines visited first graders at his old elementary school which he attended in the 60s.  “I remember when I was walking these halls, I wanted to be a fireman or a farmer, and you remember the impact your teachers have. I remember my first-grade teacher here at Longfellow was Mrs. Hahn,” Daines said. He answered questions ranging from his job to his birthday and then the students presented him with a piece of handmade artwork. “We just thought it would be fun for him to have something