
Daines, Tester Introduce Timber Innovation Act

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today introduced bipartisan legislation that would support Montana’s timber industry, create jobs, and help accelerate research and development of tall wood buildings in the United States.   The Timber Innovation Act will focus on finding innovative ways to use wood in the construction of buildings above 85 feet in height or roughly seven or more stories.   “In Montana, we have an abundance of trees, and through innovative technology we can create new uses and applications for Montana’s natural resources,” Daines stated. “By incentivizing the use of wood in building materials, we


The U.S. Congressional Republicans’ repeal-and-replace bill that throws out core provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act preserves special provisions for Libby asbestos victims, Sen. Steve Daines’ office said Tuesday. Daines, R-Montana, talked with key Republicans over the weekend about the need to retain Libby-specific health care provisions as Congressional leaders prepared for the roll-out of the draft bill on Monday. He followed up with a letter to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, pointing out that toxic exposure from decades of vermiculite mining in Libby “remains an environmental and public health crisis.” A

Missoulian: Daines: GOP health-care bill preserves benefits for Libby asbestos victims

BUTTE — Sen. Steve Daines’ office said the bill released by Congressional Republicans Monday repealing much of the Affordable Care Act preserves special provisions written into Obamacare to protect victims of asbestos-related disease in Libby. Daines, R-Montana, “was engaged in conversations” over the weekend about the Libby benefits with key Republicans in Congress, according to his staff. On Monday his office released a letter he wrote to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan asking them to preserve the Libby patients’ status. On Sunday, Lee Newspapers reported that in 2009 when the Affordable Care Act

Daines to Leadership: Protect Libby

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today urged U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives leadership to protect the residents of Libby by preserving provisions to treat those affected by asbestos. In 2009, Libby was declared a Public Health Emergency after linking years of asbestos exposure to the now closed W.R. Grace & Co. mine.   Daines’ letter is available to download HERE and below.  Dear Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell: Thank you for your leadership in developing legislation to repeal the core elements of Obamacare and replace that disastrous law with reforms that reduce health costs, provide access to affordable

Tester, Daines Congratulate Billings Student Simon Petsch on Appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy

(U.S. Senate) – Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines today congratulated Billings High School student Simon Petsch on his appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. Tester and Daines nominated Petsch last year. Petsch is a member of the varsity cross-country and track and field teams. The cross-country team named him the Most Valuable Runner in 2016. Petsch is a Student Leader in his youth group and received the President’s Education Award for academic excellence. “Simon has proven to be an exceptional student and athlete who will no doubt do Montana proud,” Tester said. “The Naval Academy will be lucky to

Forbes:Little-Used Congressional Review Act Becoming An Indispensable Tool

As the United States Senate finally begins taking up joint resolutions designed to reverse a handful of regulations implemented during the waning days of the Obama Administration, it’s worth discussing the indispensable role the Congressional Review Act (CRA) has come to play in halting regulatory excess, and more importantly, upholding the rule of law.  While the merits of some of the regulatory actions targeted for reversal are certainly arguable, others lie so far outside the governing statutes that their reversal, either by congress or the courts, was almost inevitable from the day of their initial proposal. Last week, House Majority

Daines Statement on Trump’s Executive Order to Make America Safe Again

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement:  “The safety and security of Americans must and should be our number one priority. Until we can secure our borders, we need to take the necessary precautions, including slowing down the refugee program. We are at war with radical Islamic extremism and we must protect our citizens from terrorists.” The President’s executive order includes Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.  Iraq has since been removed since they will “increase cooperation with the US government on the vetting of its citizens applying for a visa to travel to the United

Sidney Herald: Daines receives award for being ‘Friend of Farm Bureau’

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., has announced that he was recognized by the American Farm Bureau with its “Friend of Farm Bureau” award for his strong support of agriculture and his advocacy on behalf of Montana farmers and ranchers.  The American Farm Bureau Federation gives the “Friend of Farm Bureau” award to members of Congress who have led on issues critical to farmers and ranchers across the country, supported Farm Bureau issues, as demonstrated by their voting records and who were nominated by their respective state Farm Bureau.  Daines was presented with the award on Wednesday by the Montana Farm

Washington Examiner: Senators warn: FBI, other agencies work in buildings owned by China

Federal officials are putting sensitive materials in foreign-owned buildings, making them vulnerable to cyberattack and espionage, senators warned Friday. Their alarm bells were set off by a report that said the General Services Administration has been placing FBI agents and other “high-security” government officials in buildings owned by foreign entities in China and other countries. The GSA didn’t tell the tenants, according to the government report, so the officials aren’t taking addition security precautions. “Yet, in some cases the space is used for classified operations and to store sensitive data,” Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., and Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., wrote in a Thursday