Montana Public Radio: Daines: US – China Beef Agreement Nearing Resolution
U.S. Senator Steve Daines says he thinks American beef is almost back on the menu in China. “We’re now engaged at the highest levels in their government and telling them this is a very important issue for the United States,” Daines says. Last September, China announced it was ending its 13-year ban on U.S. beef imports after a 2003 Mad Cow disease scare in Washington State. Since then, trade reps have been working on an agreement that would get U.S. beef back in Chinese markets. Daines, Montana’s Republican Senator, says he thinks the final details are about
KBZK: Sen. Daines sees New Markets Tax Credit Program working at Universal Athletics
BOZEMAN -Senator Steve Daines toured the new Universal Athletics headquarters Monday, a new facility in Midtown Bozeman, that was made possible through the New Markets Tax Credit Program. Universal Athletics is the third business that the New Markets Tax Credit Program, or NMTC along with the Montana and Idaho Community Development Corporation has financed in Bozeman. Universal Athletics was originally located on East Main in downtown Bozeman, but as the company expanded they were running out of room. Instead of having to move to a location where the costs would be lower, NMTC allowed universal athletics the opportunity to
KBZK: Daines asks TSA to approve GPIA X-ray machine request
U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) is urging the Transportation Security Administration to fulfill Glacier Park International Airport’s request for a third X-ray machine. Nearly 500,000 passengers flew in and out of GPIA in 2016 as the airport say a record number of travelers fifth consecutive year. Also, all-time monthly passenger records were set in 10 of the 12 months for the airport last year. Sen. Daines noted the spike in tourism across the region and notable ridership through GPIA in a letter to the TSA. “G-P-I provides reliable air service for nearly 250-thousand passengers per year, enabling economic growth and allowing thousands of
Daines Urges TSA to Provide Glacier Park International Third X-Ray Machine
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today urged the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to fulfill Glacier Park International Airport’s request for a third X-ray machine. In a letter to TSA Acting Administrator Dr. Huban Gowadia, Daines noted the increased tourism in the Kalispell area and the need to ensure timely screening for passengers. “GPI provides reliable air service for nearly 250,000 passengers per year, enabling economic growth and allowing thousands of tourists to visit Glacier National Park and the Flathead Valley every year,” Daines wrote. “As you make decisions about resource allocations in the coming months, I urge you to accommodate GPI’s request.” Daines’
Missoulian: Zinke halts plan to transfer National Bison Range to tribal control
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has reversed course on plans to hand management of the National Bison Range to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. His move casts doubt on the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ plans to take control of the wildlife sanctuary in the middle of the Flathead Indian Reservation. Saying he was committed to not selling or transferring public land, Zinke said Wednesday that the tribes “would play a pivotal role in our discussions about the best path forward.” “I took a hard look at the current proposal suggesting a new direction for the National Bison
FAA Heeds Daines’ Request: Provides Medical Certification Exemption From REAL ID
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has heeded Daines’ request and will accept Montana licenses, regardless of REAL ID status, for medical certification purpose. In a letter from FAA Administrator Michael Huerta to Daines, Huerta wrote that, “The FAA believes that the requirement to hold a driver’s license to exercise the relief of BasicMed does not require a REAL ID compliant license.” Click HERE to read FAA’s letter to Daines. “It’s good progress to see the FAA recognize Montana licenses regardless of a federal law that Montanans have said they don’t want,” Daines stated. “I will continue working to ensure
Daines, McCaskill Introduce Legislation to Protect Taxpayer Dollars
U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senators Steve Daines (R-MT) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) introduced legislation to ensure taxpayer dollars are spent efficiently and effectively at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS spends over $7 billion on acquisition programs annually. This legislation would codify acquisition best practices, increase transparency and accountability, increase communication and understanding of needs to industry providing these technologies, and require notification to the Inspector General and Congress when certain cost, schedule, and performance objectives are not met. A recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report reviewed 26 acquisition programs at DHS in fiscal year 2016 (FY16) worth $7 billion.
Billings Gazette: Yellowstone investigation finds inappropriate conduct toward female workers
Federal investigators say there is credible evidence of unwelcome conduct toward female workers in Yellowstone National Park. Alcohol, inappropriate contact and remarks that female employees said made them feel “uncomfortable and degraded” were revealed during a seven-month investigation into Yellowstone’s maintenance division. The report was issued Wednesday by Interior’s inspector general, who concluded that harassing workplace behavior by male employees had gone on for years because of actions or inactions of men in charge of the maintenance division. “We found credible evidence that male supervisors and staff in the Maintenance Division unit created a work environment that included unwelcome and
Daines Urges FEMA to Hold Listening Session in Montana
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today urged the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to hold one of its tribal listening sessions in Montana as part of the process of updating its tribal consultation policy. In a letter to FEMA head Robert Fenton, Daines noted that Montana tribal leaders and homeland security directors have expressed a strong desire to provide their input on the FEMA consultation policy and requested that the agency hold a listening session in Montana to ensure their voices are heard. “As you prepare that schedule ahead of the finalization of the renewed policy by August 2017, I