
Daines Statement on Recovery and Delisting of Yellowstone Grizzly Bear

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the U.S. Department of the Interior’s announcement that the Yellowstone population of the grizzly bear has been recovered to the point where federal protections can be removed and overall management can be returned to the states and tribes. “It will be great to see the grizzly bear recovered and off the endangered species list,” Daines stated. “I was 12 years old growing up in Bozeman when steps began to restore the grizzly bear population. As an avid backpacker, hiker and fisherman, I know firsthand the importance of conservation to

Daines Statement on Senate Healthcare Bill

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today relased the following statement: “I’m glad to see the draft text of the bill made public for everyone to see. I look forward to hearing directly from Montanans on this legislation, including on the 17th teletownhall I’ll be hosting next Wednesday.” Earlier today, Daines announced that he will host his seventeenth teletownhall next Wednesday, June 28 to discuss the Senate healthcare discussion draft with Montanans. Daines immediately posted the text of the bill on his website, Facebook and Twitter as soon as he had a copy.  ###   

Daines to Host Teletownhall to Discuss Senate Health Bill with Montanans

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that he will host his seventeenth teletownhall next Wednesday, June 28 to discuss the Senate healthcare discussion draft with Montanans. Earlier today, Daines posted the healthcare bill on his website, Facebook and Twitter for Montanans to read. Click HERE to read the bill. During the teletownhall, Daines will answer questions on healthcare asked from across Montana.  Daines encourages all Montanans to join his teletownhall by texting “SenatorDaines” (one word) to 828282 or by calling any of Daines’ offices to get registered for the event. Office locations and phone numbers are available here:  WHAT:

Daines Statement on Gianforte Swearing-In

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today congratulated Greg Gianforte on being sworn-in as Montana’s U.S. Congressman: “Greg will be a great partner in the U.S. House,” Daines stated. “It’s nice to have another member to bring much-needed business sense to Washington, D.C.” ### 

Zinke defends huge job cuts at Interior: ‘This is what a balanced budget looks like’

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on Tuesday defended the $1.6 billion in funding cuts that President Trump has proposed for his department, telling a Senate hearing that “this is what a balanced budget looks like.” But Democrats on the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources took issue with the $400 million that the national parks would lose in fiscal 2018, which they said would trigger staff reductions at 90 percent of them. They also questioned the $370 million in cuts the Bureau of Indian Affairs would face, including for education and assistance programs, and $163 million in cuts to the U.S. Geological Survey.

US beef exports to China will be good for Montana

China’s 1.4 billion people will buy about $2.5 billion in beef this year.  Next month for the first time in about 14 years, U.S. cattle producers will have access to that market. China, along with many other countries, halted U.S. beef imports after cattle in this country tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy, which destroys the brain and central nervous system of infected cattle. Humans who eat nerve tissue of infected cattle can get variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, which is fatal. While other countries lifted their U.S. beef bans, China has remained off limits, until now. In exchange, the United States

Daines Celebrates National Great Outdoors Month

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today celebrated National Great Outdoors Month on the U.S. Senate floor. June is National Great Outdoors Month and Daines is encouraging Montanans to enjoy public lands and support Montana’s economy. Daines is Chairman of the  U.S. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks. Click HERE to download Daines’ floor remarks. Click HERE to watch Daines’ floor remarks.  Daines’ remarks as prepared are below: “Montanans can tell you that nothing beats getting outdoors for some hunting, skiing, fishing, backpacking, you name it – it’s our way of life. I left my first

GOP considers cancelling recess to salvage agenda

Alarmed by the stalemate on healthcare reform, lack of progress on tax reform and appropriations bills that are far behind schedule, Republican lawmakers across Congress are increasingly willing to consider canceling the month-long August recess. Senate Republican negotiators reported that they are not close to a deal on healthcare reform and that scheduling a vote by July 4, which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has pushed, is likely unrealistic. That impasse has held up work on a budget resolution, which is necessary to move tax reform and the annual appropriations bills. Once Republicans vote on a budget resolution for 2018, it

Daines Announces $500,000 in Funding for St. Vincent in Billings

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that the St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation has received $500,000 in funding for the Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention – Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Project in Billings. “St. Vincent’s delivers reliable, quality care for the community and this funding will ensure it continues to do so in the future,” Daines stated. “Nurses are the front lines of healthcare and this will help train and retain the vital part of healthcare delivery.”  The funding is provided through the U.S. Health Resource & Services Administration. ###