
Daines Announces $5,024,695 in Funding for Montana Airports

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced $5,024,695.00 in critical funding for four Montana airports in Glendive, Billings, Butte and Kalispell. “Montana airports play a critical role in our communities,” Daines stated. “This funding will make a big difference in keeping our airports in good shape for current and future use.” Daines secured the following provisions in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization: Airport Improvement Program (AIP) dollars which build and maintain Montana’s critical aviation infrastructure such as runways. Daines has also engaged the FAA to expedite grants to northern states with short construction seasons.   The funding is provided through the

Daines Honors Billings Couple as “Angels in Adoption”

U.S. SENATE — Senator Steve Daines last week recognized Susan and Jack Klein of Billings as his “Angels in Adoption” – an honor designated to Americans making a difference in the lives of children through adoption.  “It’s an honor to nominate Susan and Jack Klein as our ‘Angels in Adoption.’ As a Retired Lieutenant Colonel, Jack has continued the practice of serving both his country and community,” stated Daines “Today, Jack and Susan make a profound impact not only on the lives of the children they have adopted, but on the greater community of Billings.”    “Senator Daines, thank you for this.

Daines: Bernhardt Will Make a Great Deputy Secretary of Interior

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today praised the U.S. Senate confirmation of David Bernhardt as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior. “David Bernhardt is a westerner who is well-qualified to serve as the Deputy Secretary of Interior,” Daines stated. “I look forward to watching David hit the ground running and work with him to improve our great public lands.”   Shortly before the vote, Daines took to the Senate floor to highlight Bernhardt’s qualifications:   Click HERE to download Daines’ remarks. Click HERE to watch Daines’ remarks.   Daines’ remarks as prepared for delivery:   “Mr. President, David Bernhardt is a well-qualified

Daines Speaks on Senate Floor on Montana Fires

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today took to the U.S. Senate floor to discuss the fires burning across Montana, the tragic loss of Trenton Johnson and the severe drought facing Montana producers:   Click HERE to watch Daines’ remarks. Click HERE to download Daines’ remarks.   ###     Contact: Marcie Kinzel, Katie Waldman  

Daines Statement on Guthrie McLean

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on Guthrie McLean. “I am thrilled to report that we just received an email from Guthrie McLean’s mother that ‘prayers answered, Guthrie is home,’” Daines stated. “After days of working the phones with top Chinese and American officials to secure Guthrie’s freedom from a Chinese detention facility, he has been safely reunited with his mother.”  Daines has been working through the weekend with both the Chinese and United States Embassies, the Chinese government, local officials and McLean’s mother, Jennifer McLean, to coordinate his return home. Guthrie was reunited

American student arrested in China has been freed, senator says

Chinese authorities have dropped charges against an American college student who was arrested and detained in the Asian nation a week ago after reportedly injuring a taxi driver who was roughing up his mother in a fare dispute, a U.S. lawmaker said Sunday.  Guthrie McLean, a University of Montana senior, was released from a detention center in the central China city of Zhengzhou early Monday local time, according to Republican Sen. Steve Daines of Montana.  “Prayer’s answered. Guthrie’s home,” the 25-year-old student’s mother, Jennifer McLean, wrote in an email to Daines’ office.  Jennifer McLean confirmed her son’s release in an email to

UM student detained in China safely reunited with his mother

University of Montana student Guthrie McLean, who was detained in China, has been safely reunited with his mother this morning.  U.S. Senator Steve Daines worked through the weekend with both the Chinese and United States Embassies, the Chinese government, local officials and McLean’s mother, Jennifer McLean, to ensure his safe release. Jennifer McLean emailed the Senator at 11:53 a.m. on Sunday morning stating, “prayers answered, Guthrie is home.” Guthrie plans to return to school at the University of Montana in the fall. No other details are available at this time.

Daines said it was a team effort to get Guthrie released

Senator Steve Daines emphasized that it was a team effort to get Guthrie McLean released from the detention center in China. He said he received an email from Jennifer McLean, Guthrie’s mother, at 11:53 AM Mountain Time saying, “Prayers answered. Guthrie is home.” Daines said he has been in contact with the highest level of the Chinese government and is pleased with the outcome. He has had countless phone calls and email threads with Terry Branstad, the U.S. Ambassador to China and Cui Tiankai, the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. They were all working  20-hour days this past week.  Daines

US student freed after week in Chinese detention

An American college student is free following a weeklong detention for allegedly injuring a taxi driver who was roughing up his mother during a fare dispute, in a case that drew objections over the student’s treatment from U.S. lawmakers. Guthrie McLean, a student at the University of Montana, was released from a detention center in Zhengzhou early Monday, according to his mother Jennifer McLean, a teacher who lives in the central Chinese city. “We are very, very very, very happy,” Jennifer McLean wrote in an email to The Associated Press. She said the release — at 2 a.m. local time