
Daines Bill to Help Tribal Victims Passes Out of Committee

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement after bipartisan legislation he co-sponsored, the Securing Urgent Resources Vital to Indian Victim Empowerment (SURVIVE) Act, passed out of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. “I am committed to ensuring that tribal members’ public safety needs are met,” said Daines. “The SURVIVE Act will provide victims with greater access to the resources and support they need to heal.” The SURVIVE Act will increase needed tribal victim assistance by creating a tribal grant program within the Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime. The bill requires a five percent allocation from the Crime

Montana Standard: Sen. Daines urges EPA’s top administrator to put Butte on ‘Top 10’ list

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., urged the Environmental Protection Agency’s top administrator Scott Pruitt to consider the Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area in Pruitt’s “Top 10” list in a letter sent earlier this week. An EPA report, released in late July, laid out recommendations for how Pruitt could speed up the Superfund process. Creating a “Top 10” list of Superfund sites that Pruitt would personally oversee was one of the suggestions. There is no time frame for how quickly Pruitt will name his Top 10, EPA spokesperson Enesta Jones said in a written statement from the Washington, D.C. office Wednesday. Daines

Daines Delivers Montana Veterans Stories To Library of Congress

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today presented a collection of 50 veterans’ interviews who served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines to be preserved in Library of Congress as part of the Veterans History Project (VHP). To watch a video of Senator Daines’ remarks, clickHERE.   “The sacrifices and heroism of Montana’s veterans must not be lost with the passage of time,” said Daines. “Our future generations must recognize and appreciate what our men and women in uniform did to keep America safe and free.”   Background: The U.S. Congress created VHP in 2000 to preserve and make available personal interviews

Daines Statement on Senate Confirmation of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement after the U.S. Senate confirmed President Donald J. Trump’s nominee Kirstjen Nielsen for the position of Secretary of Homeland Security.   “Secretary Nielson understands the increasing threats facing our country and has the experience to do what is necessary to keep Americans safe,” said Daines. “With her confirmation, she can now focus on taking swift action to protect our national security, including securing our border and strengthening our cybersecurity.” Background: Daines is a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which has jurisdiction for the Department of

Daines Urges EPA to Prioritize Montana in Superfund Sites Selection

Daines Urges EPA to Prioritize Montana in Superfund Sites Selection  U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt urging him to ensure Montana is represented in the Administrator’s Top Ten list of Superfund sites which will receive the Administrator’s utmost attention. “With 17 National Priorities List (NPL) sites and one proposed NPL site in Montana, including some of the most expansive in the nation, there is a clear need for at least one Montana site to be among those to which you will pay utmost attention,” wrote Daines.  In July, U.S. Senator Steve Daines secured his recommendations for improving the Superfund program in the

Daily Inter Lake: Daines Names Kalispell’s Ted Koenig As Montanan Of The Week

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines recognized Kalispell resident Ted Koenig as the Montanan of the Week for his role in humanitarian relief efforts in the U.S. Virgin Islands following the destruction of hurricanes Maria and Irma. Daines’ statement of recognition was entered into the official Congressional Record Dec. 1, and highlighted Koenig’s selfless contributions in the U.S. territory. “Helping others in need is common in Big Sky Country and Ted’s journey to St. Thomas is another example of this ethic in action,” Daines wrote. “It comes as no surprise that Ted served three years in the Peace Corps and was stationed

Billings Gazette: Still time to get tax reform right

Late last week, as communities across the country kick off the holiday season, members of Congress worked hard to modernize the tax code for the first time in over three decades. House and Senate Republicans understand the dilemma: The tax code keeps our small businesses, including America’s 733,000 independently-owned franchise establishments, from reaching their full potential. From coast to coast – and even right here in Big Sky Country – franchises are being suffocated by the burdensome tax code and tied up in red tape. Despite the challenges they face, America’s small businesses help our neighborhoods flourish, which is why

Daines Votes to Advance Once in A Generation Tax Cuts

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted in support of the Senate Tax Cuts and Job Act to increase wages, grow jobs and give back Americans their hard-earned dollars. “We are one step closer to a once in a generation opportunity to reignite economic growth, grow jobs and increase wages for Montana farmers, ranchers, small businesses owners and working families.” Daines said. “I worked hard to increase tax relief for Main Street businesses that are responsible for two-thirds of all new jobs. The updated Tax Cuts and Jobs Act includes more than 100 billion in additional tax cuts for Main Street businesses,

Great Falls Tribune: U.S. Sen. Steve Daines backs tax bill after cuts for small businesses

HELENA — U.S. Sen. Steve Daines is now supporting the $1.4 trillion tax bill because it contains additional tax cuts he says will help small businesses. The Montana Republican said Monday that he opposed the tax bill as it was then written, complaining that it favored large corporations over small businesses. On Friday he said the current version of the bill provides “significant tax relief” for “Main Street businesses”, which he says are responsible for nearly 70 percent of the jobs in the state. The majority of owners of U.S. businesses, both large and small, report their profits on their individual