NBC Montana: Montana Gold Star families honored in Bozeman
BOZEMAN, Mont. — The ninth annual memorial ceremony at Sunset Hills Cemetery in Bozeman attracted a big crowd and hosted 70 different Gold Star family members from across the state. “We have many Gold Star families here — families who live every day with the pain of the loss of their loved one,” said Sen. Steve Daines. For Ladena Hall, a Gold Star mother, moments like these mean everything to her. “This is something that shows us that our sons and daughters are not forgotten, that people will remember them even if it’s once a year, they’ll come out to celebrate
Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Chris Kolstad of Liberty County
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today recognized Chris Kolstad of Liberty County for his years of dedication to Montana agriculture. Daines’ recognition in the Congressional Record is available here. Through his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines each week will highlight a Montanan by submitting a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress. Daines welcomes anyone to nominate fellow Montanans for Daines’ “Montanan of the Week” program by calling Daines’ office at 202-224-2651 or by filling out the contact form on Daines’ website: http://www.daines.senate.gov/connect/email-steve The following is the
E&E Daily: Daines aims to amplify Trump “balanced” energy approach
Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) intends to promote the president’s energy policies next Thursday, when he gathers hundreds of energy industry leaders, policymakers and regulators for his biennial Montana Energy Summit in Billings.
Daines Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Expand Broadband to Rural Montanans
U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced the bipartisan Reprioritizing Unserved Rural Areas and Locations for Broadband (RURAL Broadband) Act of 2018, which will prioritize federal funds that are used to provide broadband access to areas that are unserved with no access before they are used to upgrade areas with existing service. “We must work to close the rural-digital divide so our rural communities can be part of the 21st Century economy,” said Daines. “My bill ensures that these critical funds be used for the communities who need them most.” Read the full bull text, HERE. Statements of Support: “The Montana Telecommunications Association (MTA) enthusiastically supports the good-government legislation introduced by Senators Steve
Fox News: GOP threatens to torpedo August recess, keeping vulnerable Dems off campaign trail
It is said there are decades where nothing happens. And there are weeks where decades happen. Congress has a version of this. It’s a month called “August.” Crazy congressional things happen in August. This is ironic because, well, Congress is supposed to be on recess in August. But the biggest question buzzing around Capitol Hill now is whether the Senate will cancel or shorten that recess – and meet anyway. President Trump initiated this year’s fretting over a canceled recess with a tweet: “The Senate should get funding done before the August break, or NOT GO HOME. Wall and Border
Daines Joins President at White House to Roll Back Dodd-Frank Regulations
U.S. SENATE – Today, President Donald Trump invited U.S. Senator Steve Daines to a bill signing ceremony at the White House for legislation that will roll back disastrous Dodd-Frank regulations. “Montana’s rural banks, credit unions and customers have been the biggest victims of Dodd-Frank,” said Daines. “It was great to join the President at the White House to finally takes steps to provide relief to our rural communities.” The Dodd-Frank Act has done tremendous harm to Montana by eliminating small community banks and credit unions and by limiting consumer access to their services, such as mortgages and depository services. Since
Daines Introduces Legislation to Protect Tribes from Costly Obamacare Employer Mandate
Senator Steve Daines today announced the introduction of legislation to protect Native American tribes from Obamacare’s costly employer mandate. The Tribal Employment and Jobs Protection Act will exempt tribes and tribal employers from Obamacare’s employer mandate. The bill prevent massive fines that tribal employers would incur under Obamacare’s employer mandate. The employer mandate places an undue burden on tribes, leading to lost jobs and increased unemployment. Instead of bolstering tribal economies, it drives out opportunities and wages. Tribal members were already exempt from the individual mandate in the original Obamacare law. This legislation upholds the United States’ trust responsibility to
Senate Sends Bill to Overhaul VA, Deliver on Promises to Our Veterans to President’s Desk
U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today supported and the Senate passed, the VA MISSION Act, which will overhaul the Department of Veterans Affairs and fix many of the shortcomings in the VA Choice Program. “Under the Choice Program, our veterans did not receive the healthcare they deserved,” said Daines. “The bipartisan VA MISSION Act will follow through on the promises that were made to our Veterans.” This week, Daines took to the Senate floor to urge his colleagues to join him in supporting the VA Mission Act. Watch video HERE. Download video HERE. The bipartisan MISSION Act will
IHS Director Concedes to Daines More Must be done to Combat Suicide in Tribal Communities
U.S. SENATE — During a hearing in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior, Rear Admiral Michael Weahkee, the Acting Director of the Indian Health Service (IHS), conceded to U.S. Senator Steve Daines that IHS is not doing enough to combat the suicide epidemic in Indian country. During the hearing, Daines confronted Admiral Weahkee with the startling statistic that American Indians and Alaska Natives have the highest rates of suicide of any demographic group in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Daines asked Admiral Weahkee that in light of these statistics, did he believe IHS was