
Daines, Murkowski talk public lands in Bozeman

MISSOULA, Mont. — Many outdoorsmen are still celebrating after President Donald Trump signed the Public Lands Package into law. The U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee Chairman, Lisa Murkowski and Senator Steve Daines discussed the recent legislation at the Wild Sheep Foundation in Bozeman Sunday. The president signed the bipartisan John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act last week. It was previously called Senate Bill 47 or the Public Lands Package and had been in the works for years. “There was a lot to celebrate here this month when we saw the president sign this public land

Daines welcomes home troops in Kalispell

KALISPELL – Saturday night, Senator Steve Daines was in Kalispell at the Glacier Jet Center welcoming home Kalispell’s 495th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. This is the same group of soldiers that Daines visited in Afghanistan this past December.  At 11 p.m. Saturday, around 80 men and women returned home after nine months overseas serving the U.S. Families and friends of the soldiers waited eagerly for the arrival of their loved ones, and when they were reunited, it was quite emotional.

Daines Continues Fight Against Montana Meth Crisis, Demands Answers for Abuse Scandal in IHS

  U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today in a U.S. Senate Finance Committee hearing pressed Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Alex Azar for solutions on combatting Montana’s growing meth epidemic. Daines also demanded answers on recent cases of abuse in the Indian Health Service (IHS). In the hearing, Daines discussed his recent trip to Rimrock Facility in Billings, where he saw firsthand Montana’s growing meth epidemic and the impact it has on Montana moms and families. Click HERE to download.  “In Montana, we’re facing a meth crisis, and it’s devastating our families and communities… How is HHS

Daines: Montana farmers losing millions in sales to Japan

Lack of a U.S. trade agreement with Japan is costing Montana farmers millions in lost wheat sales. Tuesday U.S. Sen. Steve Daines implored the Trump administration to do something about it. Daines told U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer that Montana’s malt barley farmers have been harmed by America’s exit from the Trans Pacific Partnership. Trump dumped the 10-nation deal after taking office in 2017. The other nations involved in the agreement pressed on and are now benefiting from TPP’s better trade terms. “TPP provided a great opportunity for us to see significant tariff reductions, as you know, moving beef tariffs

Daines Fights to Strengthen Work Requirements, Help Low Income Families

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation to help low-income families find work. Daines’ bill, the Jobs and Opportunity with Benefits and Services Act or JOBS Act, reauthorizes and modernizes the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Ranking Member Kevin Brady of the House Ways and Means Committee introduced companion legislation in the United States House of Representatives. “Our welfare programs should be a springboard to work and self-sufficiency, not a sinkhole into government dependency,” Daines said. “My bill supports struggling low-income families and equips them with the skills and resources they need to find and keep a

Daines to Lighthizer: Montana Farmers and Ranchers Need Access to New Markets

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today in a U.S. Senate Finance Committee hearing urged United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer to advance and finalize trade agreements with Japan and China to put Montana farmers and ranchers on a level playing field in the global stage.   Click HERE to download “We’re now behind in Japan, because our other allies have signed agreements…and they are going to receive the benefits of the tariff reductions. My malt barley folks were in talking to me yesterday, and they literally showed me the contracts they’ve lost in Japan,” Daines said. Yesterday, Daines met with Montana barley

Daines Delivers Historic Conservation Win for Montana

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined President Trump at a bill signing ceremony at the White House for a bill signing ceremony of the bipartisan public lands package, which includes the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act. “What a great day for Montana, a great day for America,” Daines said. “I just came back from the West Wing of the White House, the Oval Office, where I witnessed President Trump sign the lands package. In fact, here’s one of the pens from the signing ceremony that I keep

President signs Yellowstone mineral withdrawal, LWCF renewal into law

A massive public lands package including a ban on new mining claims north of Yellowstone and the renewal of a popular conservation fund has now become law. On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed S. 47, a broad legislative package including land designations and more affecting areas across the country. It sailed through the House and Senate with lopsided votes in its favor. The bill includes two pieces that Montana’s congressional delegation pushed for — the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act, which would bar new mining claims on 30,000 acres of public land north of Yellowstone National Park, and the permanent reauthorization

Daines urges Forest Service to allow mountain biking in Bitterroot Forest WSAs

Sen. Steve Daines made one last pitch Thursday on why mountain biking should be allowed in two Bitterroot National Forest wilderness study areas. In a letter to the U.S. Forest Service, Daines urged the agency to either reopen the areas to mountain biking or push back its deadline for a decision so it could consider the facts he had gathered. Forest Service officials said the agency’s final written response on the issue will be issued Monday, March 11. The agency’s response follows analysis of 3,216 public comments and a face-to-face resolution meeting with members of the local and national mountain