
Daines hears local law enforcement’s plea for more resources, tighter southern border

Montana Sen. Steve Daines on Thursday heard the plight of western Montana law enforcement agencies who’ve become embattled with the methamphetamine trade. “It’s overwhelming our communities,” Daines told reporters after the roundtable at the Missoula County Sheriff’s Office. “Law enforcement does not have enough resources to deal with this crisis in Montana.” Sheriffs, deputies, detectives, National Guard officers and community coordinators from Ravalli to Lincoln counties offered the Republican senator a glimpse into the front lines of their fight with drugs, specifically meth. Many asked for more resources to both investigate and prosecute drug trafficking in their areas, as well

Daines calls prescription drug pricing ‘broken’ at Helena event

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines told seniors in Helena that he expects a package of bills to move in the Senate this summer that will increase transparency and lower the costs of prescription drugs. Daines spoke and took questions from residents at Touchmark on Wednesday afternoon on prescription drug prices. The topic is one that he hears plenty about from Montanans, with many sharing stories of high prices. Daines, who sits on the Senate Finance Committee, says members are looking at differences between the “list price” set by drug companies and the “net price” of what customers actually pay. That difference can be

Support for tax deduction urged, good for agriculture

Farm and ranch owners are urging their Congressional delegations to support S. 1149, which is sponsored by Sen. Steve Daines and co-sponsored by Sens. Pat Roberts, R-KS and John Thune, R-SD. This legislation will make permanent the Section 199A qualified business income deduction, which is set to expire after 2025.  The 199A deduction allows a business that operates as a sole proprietorship, partnership or S-corporation to take a tax deduction of up to 20 percent of qualified business income. According to a press release, USDA’s Economic Research Service estimates that had the deduction been available in 2016, almost half of

Daines honors Great Falls veteran for his work with the VA

GREAT FALLS – A Montana veteran was honored Wednesday morning for his work as a nurse practitioner with the Great Falls VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic. Senator Steve Daines presented a congressional record to Jason Gleason after honoring him in November of 2018 when he spoke about Gleason on the Senate floor. “It is such a humbling experience to have the Senator come to our clinic,” Gleason said. Gleason retired from the Montana Air National Guard in 2015. He was the officer in charge of health and promotion, medical readiness, staff development, and was also assistant chief nurse. “I know

Daines Continues Bipartisan Fight for Vietnam Veterans Harmed By Agent Orange

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines renewed efforts to secure disability and health care benefits for Navy veterans, known as “Blue Water” veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange while fighting in the Vietnam War. “Commonsense tells us that sailors who were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam deserve the same level of care as their counterparts ashore,” Daines said.  “Together with the court’s recent Procopio decision, this bill should settle any questions over Congress’ intent to care for all Vietnam veterans who were injured in the line of duty.” During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military sprayed approximately 20 million gallons of Agent

Daines, Gianforte Secure 24-Hour Status at Raymond Port of Entry, Protect Montana Jobs

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Greg Gianforte today secured the reinstating of around-the-clock status at the Raymond Port of Entry. In a call today with John Sanders, the Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Sanders announced his decision to reinstate full hours of operation at the Raymond Port of Entry. This decision came in response to Daines and Gianforte’s requests to keep the Port of Raymond open 24/7 and three of Montana’s other ports of entry operating at full status. On the call, CBP also committed to holding listening sessions to reengage with local communities on the issue.

Daines Fights for Tax Relief for Pregnant Moms

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today reintroduced the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act, which allows pregnant moms to claim the Child Tax Credit for their unborn children.  This bill builds on the Child Tax Credit provisions included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act by supporting families and pregnant mothers with the many costs that come with carrying a baby, as well as planning for the care of a newborn baby. For more information on the bill, click HERE. “From stocking up on diapers to taking time off work for their child’s prenatal care, expecting parents begin providing for

Sen. Daines helps Tech celebrate 70 years of petroleum engineering

When Montana Tech graduated its first petroleum engineers back in 1949, there were eight of them. This year’s class will include 65.  Sen. Steve Daines, who was on the university’s campus Friday to help celebrate 70 years of Tech petroleum graduates, celebrated the growth in the program over that time — but also made a pitch for more of it.  “We need more graduates in engineering,” Daines said to an audience of students, faculty, alumni, and industry insiders gathered for the 24th annual spring symposium hosted by Montana Tech Petroleum Department and the student chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. 

Daines Celebrates Bernhardt’s Confirmation as Victory for Montana and the West

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted to confirm David Bernhardt as the 53rd U.S. Secretary of the Department of the Interior. “David Bernhardt understands the importance of protecting access to our public lands, our commitment to tribal nations, and responsible energy development,” Daines said. “As a fellow westerner, I have complete confidence in David’s ability to lead the Department of the Interior and was glad to cast my vote for him this afternoon along with a bipartisan majority on the floor of the United States Senate. I look forward to continuing to work together to advance Montana priorities.”