Daines seeks increased visitation at smaller Montana national parks
U.S. Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) this week urged the bosses at two national parks in Montana to help improve visitation at some of the state’s smaller parks. “As we continue to see record-breaking visitation numbers, encouraging visitation to smaller parks in Montana is imperative to both reduce stress on larger parks and promote healthy gateway economies in other regions,” Sen. Daines wrote in an Oct. 9 letter sent to Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Cameron Sholly and Glacier National Park Superintendent Jeff Mow. “Tourism is one of Montana’s leading economic drivers, which is why I am committed to increasing visitation to
Daines Announces $200,000 For Substance Abuse Treatment in Yellowstone County
U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that $200,000 will be directed towards the Yellowstone County Substance Abuse Connect Coalition. “We have an opportunity to help the most vulnerable of our society get their lives back on track,” Daines said. “This grant ensures we get the folks suffering from substance abuse in Yellowstone County the lifesaving treatment they need to begin the healing process.” Background: Daines has been a strong voice in the U.S. Senate fighting to safeguard Montanans health and help those suffering from substance abuse and addiction. To follow his more recent actions on healthcare and substance abuse,
Great Falls man finally receives Bronze Star for military service in Vietnam
A Great Falls resident was finally recognized after being nominated and awarded the Bronze Star Award more than 40 years ago. Alfred E. Shryer received the Bronze Star Award at an event hosted at the VFW Post 1087 on Wednesday for his service in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War from 1971-1972. Shryer first found out he had won the award about a year ago. “Considering I didn’t know it was in the making for 48 years, I only learned about it about a year ago, but it feels really cool that it happened and that they were able to do
Daines: Provide Assistance to Farmers Impacted by Excessive Rainfall
U.S. SENATE – This week, U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue urging he provide support for Montana’s farmers who have been negatively impacted by excessive rainfall. “Over the past several weeks, northeast Montana has faced unusual and sustained high levels of precipitation and I urge you to utilize all appropriate resources and flexibility to provide relief and disaster assistance to impacted farmers in a prompt manner,” Daines wrote. In the letter, Daines asks Perdue to allow farmers in northeast Montana impacted by this rainfall to be eligible to participate in the
Daines Urges Yellowstone, Glacier Superintendents to Assist in Increasing Visitation to Montana’s Less-Visited Parks
U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter urging Yellowstone Superintendent Cameron Sholly and Glacier Superintendent Jeff Mow to assist in finding solutions to promote visitation in Montana’s less-visited national parks. “Tourism is one of Montana’s leading economic drivers, which is why I am committed to increasing visitation to all of Montana’s national parks, battlefields, historic sites and more,” Daines wrote. “As we continue to see record-breaking visitation numbers, encouraging visitation to smaller parks in Montana is imperative to both reduce stress on larger parks and promote healthy gateway economies in other regions.” To read the full letter, click
Montana ag leaders praise new U.S.-Japan trade deal
Farmers and ranchers are applauding a new trade agreement signed Monday between the United States and Japan that they say will keep American agricultural products flowing into this lucrative Asian market. During a White House signing ceremony Monday, President Trump said the new trade agreement will be significant for U.S. farmers and ranchers. Japan is the U.S. beef cattle industry’s number one export market valued at more than $2 billion. U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., attended the signing ceremony along with Fred Wacker, a rancher from Miles City and president of the Montana Stockgrowers Association. Wacker says the new agreement
Daines Celebrates Historic Trade Deal with Japan, Major Victory for MT Ag
U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined President Trump at the White House for the official signing ceremony of an historic trade agreement between the United States and Japan. Daines invited Montana rancher and President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association, Fred Wacker, to join him and other key officials at the signing ceremony at the White House. To watch the full video click HERE. “Today is a historic day for Montana ag, as this trade agreement will help level the playing field for Montana ranchers and farmers in Japan’s critical export market,” Daines said. “It was an honor to have led
Montana beef declared winner in U.S.-Japan trade deal
The U.S.-Japan trade agreement signed Monday by President Donald Trump should deliver several million dollars in beef prices for Montana, the Montana Stockgrowers Association said. Fred Wacker, MSGA president, who was at the White House for the signing ceremony, said cattle prices had already increased on news that the deal would be signed. Trade organizations, like the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association noted that beef appeared to be the big winner among agriculture interests included in the limited agreement. Japan’s tariff on U.S. beef is 38.5%, which will decrease gradually to 9% by 2033. The reduction is on track with tariff
Daines, stockgrowers head, attend Japan trade deal signing
Sen. Steve Daines and the head of the Montana Stockgrowers Association were present Monday when President Donald Trump signed a limited trade deal with Japan expected to benefit ranchers and farmers in the Treasure State. The deal will eliminate tariffs and expand market access on farm, industrial and digital products. But it does not address the bigger hurdle of autos. President Donald Trump indicated the two countries were still working on a broader agreement. Joining Daines at the signing was Fred Wacker of Miles City, who serves as president of the Montana Stockgrowers Association. Daines’ staff said Daines was invited to