
Daines Announces Expanded SNAP Benefits for Montana Families During Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that SNAP benefits will be increased for Montana families during the Coronavirus pandemic. “This is about delivering relief for families struggling during the Coronavirus pandemic and I will continue working to ensure that Montanans have access to the resources they need during this crisis,” Daines said. Montana being eligible for SNAP Emergency Allotments means that all SNAP recipients in Montana would now be eligible to receive the maximum SNAP benefits by household size per month. To see the maximum SNAP benefits, click HERE. Background:    Daines has been leading the efforts

Congressional delegation urges National Guard funding approval

WASHINGTON — Montana’s delegates in Congress are urging President Donald Trump to approve federal funding that would allow the Montana National Guard to assist in efforts against the coronavirus. MT Delegation Letter to President Trump National Guard by NBC Montana on Scribd The following is a press release from the offices of Rep. Greg Gianforte, Sen. Steve Daines and Sen. Jon Tester: Congressman Greg Gianforte and U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today sent a letter to President Trump urging him to swiftly approve federal funding for the Montana National Guard to help combat the COVID-19 outbreak. “We write to urge you to quickly approve

All American Pharmaceutical produces hand sanitizer

BILLINGS, Mont. — Many businesses, both small and large, are being forced to adapt during the coronavirus pandemic.  One of those businesses is a manufacturing company in Billings.  All American Pharmaceutical has completely changed its supply chain to meet Montana’s demand for hand sanitizer. Dr. Jeff Golini of All American Pharmaceutical says, “I just woke up in the middle of the night and realized their was a need and I thought, you know, we produce liquids, we have packaging equipment, large tanks, doesn’t seem like the formulation was that difficult, looked at a bottle of sanitizer, came into the lab,

Daines Urges SBA to Ensure That Ag Businesses Receive Coronavirus Relief Funding

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today urged the Small Business Administration (SBA) to ensure that agricultural businesses are eligible for Coronavirus relief programs. “Farmers, ranchers, and agricultural businesses in Montana and across the country are facing substantial market challenges due to the pandemic,” Daines wrote. “Small businesses, whether they are involved in agriculture or otherwise, need assistance in these unprecedented times and SBA can play an integral role in mitigating disruptions to our nation’s food supply and our economy more broadly.”   To read the full letter, click HERE.  Background:    Daines has been leading the efforts in Congress

Daines Secures Over $48 Million for Montana Transit During the Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that $48,935,981 will be made available for Montana transit during the Coronavirus pandemic. “This critical funding helps Montana transit and transportation during this pandemic,” Daines said. “This is about ensuring our transportation industry has the resources and relief they need to get through the Coronavirus outbreak. I will continue working to ensure Montana’s vital industries are protected during this crisis.” Daines fought to secure this funding in the Coronavirus Economic Recovery Package that was signed into law last week. The funding will be provided through the Federal Transit Administration. Background:   

Daines Urges President Trump To Expedite Coronavirus Resources for Tribal Communities

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to President Trump yesterday urging that he expedite federal resources for tribal communities during the Coronavirus pandemic. “Implementation of the CARES Act will require many federal agencies within DOI, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Treasury, the Small Business Administration and other to work directly with Indian Country on implementation of complicated new authorities and deployment of critical funding,” Daines wrote. “This can only be accomplished by engaging in meaningful robust, and given the nature of this pandemic crisis—rapid government-to government consultation.” To read the full

Daines Secures Over $7.9 Million for Montana Housing Assistance During the Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that $7,976,265 will be made available for critical housing assistance for Montana during the Coronavirus pandemic. “This critical funding helps Montana’s low income families and our most vulnerable citizens during this pandemic,” Daines said. “This is about getting struggling families and folks who have nowhere to go the security of a roof over their heads during this Coronavirus outbreak.” Daines fought to secure this funding in the Coronavirus Economic Recovery Package that was signed into law last week. The funding will be provided through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban

Daines Urges President Trump to Expand Healthcare Coverage for National Guard Members Serving During the Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter yesterday to President Trump urging him to permit National Guard members responding to the Coronavirus pandemic in our communities to be eligible for TRICARE coverage. “Day by day, increasing numbers of our National Guard are asked to support the national effort to address this crisis. Many of our guardsmen and women have lost their jobs during this unprecedented situation,” Daines wrote. “During this time, we should do all we can to support the men and women being asked to assist our nation’s response to this pandemic and ensure that they

Daines talks COVID-19 in telephone town hall

Montana has received thousands of masks, gloves and other protective equipment from the National Strategic Stockpile, U.S. Senator Steve Daines said Wednesday during a telephone town hall meeting. At the meeting, Daines also discussed the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill and effect on the national debt and economy, social distancing, and frontline workers. Referring to a report from the stockpile, the Republican said that over the past few weeks, Montana has received approximately: 79,000 N95 masks 188,000 surgical masks 39,000 face shields 32,000 surgical gowns 1,900 coveralls 209,000 gloves Nationwide, the New York Times reported, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has