
Daines pleased to see business help from first round of stimulus funds

Sen. Steve Daines says it’s been “nice for a change to see government move at the speed of business”, with more than $1.4 billion flowing to Montana businesses to help with COVID-19 impacts. And he’s confident Congress can reach agreement to provide another round of assistance, now that the original pot of money has been expended. New numbers from the Small Business Administration today show more than 13,456 loans have been approved for Montana businesses under the Paycheck Protection Program. That money is used to help with payroll and operational expenses for businesses closed, or even slowed down, by the

Daines Pushes for Funding For Senior Living Facilities Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Azar urging the department to direct funding from the Coronavirus economic relief package to support nursing homes, skilled nursing centers, and senior living communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We must not overlook those individuals who work within the senior living community, such as those working in independent living, assisted living, memory care and continuing care retirement communities,” Daines wrote. “Allocating a meaningful level of support from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund to this industry is critical to the seniors who

Daines Selected by President Trump to Sit on Bipartisan White House Task Force to Safely Reopen America

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced he was chosen by President Trump to join a bipartisan White House Task Force to provide counsel to President Trump to safely reopen America in the wake of COVID-19. “I am honored to be selected by President Trump to serve on this historic task force to safely reopen America,” Daines said. We can prioritize our public health and our workers, families and small businesses. Let’s get this done for Montana and America.” For an audio statement click, HERE. One of Daines’ top priorities during the coronavirus outbreak has been to accelerate the development and manufacturing of

Daines Statement on Senate Democrats Continuing to Block New, Critical Funding for the Paycheck Protection Program

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement after Senate Democrats refused to come to the table and continued to block new funding to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) which would keep Montana small business open and workers employed during the Coronavirus pandemic. “The Paycheck Protection Program which is critical to keep Montana small businesses open and workers employed has officially run out of money,” Daines said. “Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are holding working folks and their families hostage by blocking funding to the program. Nearly 70,000 working Montanans and over 22 million Americans have lost their

Daines Urges Approval and Production of Antibody Tests in Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to Vice President Pence urging the White House Coronavirus Task Force to continue prioritizing the deployment of widespread diagnostic tests and accelerating the approval and production of antibody tests, which can help play a critical role in the fight against COVID-19. “I would encourage the FDA to continue utilizing all available resources and expertise to be able to quickly move forward with approving additional antibody tests to ensure they are reliable and widely available. Just as importantly, I would also request that the White House Coronavirus Task Force develop a production

Tavern’s now qualify for COVID-19 aid

The members of Montana’s congressional delegation have announced that most taverns have been added to businesses eligible for federal assistance in the COVID-19 pandemic. Several Montana taverns were not eligible because of the income they received from gaming machines, but the U.S. Small Business Administration has expanded eligibility for aid like the Paycheck Protection Program to include taverns that make one-third of their income from gambling will now qualify as long as the profit is less than 50 percent of their total revenue and does not exceed $1 million. Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., Steve Daines, R-Mont., and Rep. Greg Gianforte, R-Mont.,

Daines chosen for White House Task Force on reopening country

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced he was chosen by President Trump to join a bipartisan White House Task Force to provide counsel to President Trump to safely reopen America in the wake of COVID-19. “I am honored to be selected by President Trump to serve on this historic task force to safely reopen America,” Daines said. “We can prioritize our public health and our workers, families and small businesses. Let’s get this done for Montana and America.” One of Daines’ top priorities during the coronavirus outbreak has been to accelerate the development and manufacturing of drugs to treat and prevent

Senators Seek Coronavirus Relief for Small Businesses That Were Shut Out of Loan Program

WASHINGTON—As Congress stands at an impasse over how to replenish funds for a now-depleted small business loan program, Sens. Steve Daines and Cory Booker are pushing for the next round of coronavirus aid to allocate money that would enable local communities to assist very small firms. Mr. Daines (R., Mont.) and Mr. Booker (D., N.J.) are working to finalize a measure, outlined broadly in a letter they sent Thursday to Senate leadership, that would give $50 billion to cities, counties and states for creating and expanding coronavirus relief funds. The local entities would have flexibility to design the funds, which

Daines Fights to Protect Outfitter Jobs During Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines announced today a proposal to direct funding for new trail maintenance projects to be carried out by guides and outfitters to provide economic relief amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Outfitters and guides face great uncertainty going into what is typically their peak season and some estimate as many as 70% will be forced to close down. “This is about protecting the jobs of Montanans working in our outdoor recreation industry,” Daines said. “My proposal directs funding for projects that are shovel ready to ensure folks have work this season while also improving our trails. I