
Montana has a rich legacy of service, and I’m proud to represent our state’s veterans in Congress. I’m dedicated to ensuring that our veterans receive the care and benefits that they fought for and greatly deserve.

As the son of a United States Marine, I believe the United States must honor the commitment we’ve made to the men and women of the armed forces, active duty troops and older veterans alike. While we can never repay the debt we owe to those who fight for our freedoms, we must ensure that we uphold the promises we’ve made. I’m dedicated to opening up new employment prospects for returning service members, improving medical care for wounded warriors, and ensuring support for veterans in need of assistance. 

Daines Proposes Effort to Help Tell the Stories of Montana’s Fallen Heroes

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter proposing the addition of QR codes to veterans’ grave markers to provide further information about their stories of service, sacrifice and patriotism. “Each year hundreds of thousands of people travel across the nation to visit grave sites of our fallen heroes. These visits consist of families visiting their loved ones, students on field trips eager to learn about our military, and military members visiting their comrades. Many of the grave sites provide very little information about the fallen heroes outside of general background information like name, rank and military service. QR

Daines Blasts Biden Admin for Recommending Closure of Rural Montana Veterans Health Care Facilities

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today blasted the Biden administration’s report suggesting closures and modifications of Montana veteran health care clinics across the state. “Yesterday’s report from the VA under Biden that recommends closing veteran clinics across Montana is unacceptable and shows how out-of-touch D.C. bureaucrats are with rural America,” Daines said. “The Biden administration cannot ignore the unique obstacles that rural health care facilities face and must take that into consideration before closing clinics. These facilities provide critical care to Montana’s brave men and women who served our nation and I will not give up fighting to protect access to the care

Daines: Reports of Biden Admin Quietly Shuttering Montana Veteran Health Care Facilities is Unacceptable

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today slammed reports that the Biden administration is quietly closing veteran health care clinics across Montana. Daines spoke directly with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough to share his concerns about the potential closures and the impacts to Montana veterans. Last month Daines also requested answers and transparency from the VA on the potential closures. “Reports that the VA under Biden plans to silently shutter health care clinics across Montana is absolutely unacceptable. Countless Montana veterans rely on VA health care facilities for critical care and we must do everything we can to ensure these important services remain available to the men and

Daines Demands Answers from the VA on Decisions Impacting Veterans Health Care

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs calling for transparency and answers on decisions impacting Montana veterans. This includes an investigation which found 1,600 potentially ineligible providers in the VA’s system, the VA quietly consolidating Community Care offices and pending VA health care facility closures.  “As you know, the GAO recently flagged some 1,600 health care providers as potentially ineligible to participate in the VCCP, including many who were deceased, had violent criminal records, and had revoked or suspended medical licenses.  Our veterans and taxpayers deserve better.  I would like to know

Daines, Warren Bipartisan Bill to Award Congressional Gold Medals to Service Members Killed in Afghanistan Signed into Law

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) today applauded their bipartisan bill to posthumously award Congressional Gold Medals to the 13 American servicemembers who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks in Afghanistan being signed into law. “This August,13 brave men and women gave the last full measure in service to their country during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. I’m glad to see my bipartisan bill signed into law, which will help ensure the sacrifice of these American heroes is forever remembered with the Congressional Gold Medal,” Daines said. “Today President Biden signed my bipartisan bill with Senator Daines into law –

Daines Stands Up for Montana Service Members, Defends Freedom of Thought in U.S. Military

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, expressing his concern that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) could be using resources to target Montana service members who oppose leftist ideology. “We write to express concern for U.S. service members who could be unfairly targeted by your newly established Countering Extremism Working Group (CEWG). In the wake of the U.S. Department of Justice’s efforts to silence parents protesting anti-American racial indoctrination being taught in schools across the country, we are deeply concerned that this latest effort by the Biden Administration will target service

Daines: We Shouldn’t Give One Penny to the Palestinian Authority So Long as They’re Providing “Pay to Slay” Payments to Terrorists Who Attack Israel

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced the “Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act” which would strengthen U.S. anti-terrorism financial regulations and deter foreign banks from making payments to the Palestinian Authority (PA) for its “pay-to-slay” program, which pays terrorists for carrying out acts of terrorism.  “Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East—we must stand with them in their fight against terrorism,” Daines said. “To this day, terrorists of Hamas are not only being idolized for suicide bombings, but they’re being paid significant sums of money to commit horrendous acts of terrorism. It’s time to close these loopholes and ensure that not another penny goes to terrorists committing these horrendous

Daines Bipartisan Bill to Award Congressional Gold Medals to Service Members Killed in Afghanistan Passes Senate, Heads to POTUS’ Desk

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced the U.S. Senate passed his bipartisan bill to posthumously award Congressional Gold Medals to the 13 American servicemembers who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks in Afghanistan. It will now head to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law. “Today, the United States Senate moved to recognize the courage, sacrifice and service of the 13 brave young men and women who were killed in Afghanistan. During a pivotal point for our nation, they gave the last full measure for our freedoms. I look forward to the President honoring these American heroes and swiftly signing this bill into law,” Daines said. 

Daines Applauds House Passage of His Bill to Award Service Members Killed in Afghanistan with the Congressional Gold Medal

U.S. SENATE — Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ bill to award the 13 service members killed during President Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan with Congressional Gold Medals. Daines applauded House passage of the bill and is working to pass it in the United States Senate. “I’m glad to see the House of Representatives pass my bipartisan bill to honor and recognize the sacrifice that these brave young men and women made during a pivotal point for our nation. Now it’s time for the United States Senate to pass my bill to show that we stand united with the American heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect fellow Americans and our freedoms,” Daines said.