Technology & Privacy

The ever-changing growth of technology continues to enhance how we communicate with one another and we must ensure that Americans are protected each and every step of the way. At the same time, we must stand united against Washington D.C.’s attempts to tax the Internet, limit innovation, and put more senseless regulations on Montana-based small businesses. 

The Internet is a laboratory of innovation for Montana small businesses – yet Washington D.C. wants to tie our entrepreneurs’ hands by forcing them to collect internet sales taxes for 9,600 different tax jurisdictions, rather than focusing their time and energy on growing their business and creating jobs. 

Technology has removed geography as a constraint and has allowed us to grow more good-paying jobs that allow Montanans to stay in the state we love. Yet we must not forget about our rural and underserved communities in Montana. While we continue to innovate, we must work to ensure that all Montanans have access to technology, by increasing their access to rural broadband. 


USDA Secretary: Biotech Foods are Safe

U.S. SENATE — Under Senator Steve Daines’ questioning, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack today stated that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) pose no risk to food safety or threat to plant pest risk.     During a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies hearing on the President’s Fiscal Year 2017 funding request for the USDA, Daines pressed Vilsack to allow sound science to be preeminent in its rule-making process and to reject harmful regulations that are not backed by evidence. Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. Click here to download Daines’ remarks. During the hearing, Daines specifically

Daines Works to Connect Rural Montana

U.S. SENATE — Senator Steve Daines today worked to increase broadband service and improve reliable connectivity for rural Montanans.  During two Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearings this week, Daines emphasized the need for reliable broadband service throughout rural America and successfully moved forward bipartisan solutions and ensure that rural communities are not left behind. On Wednesday, all five Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioners testified before the Commerce Committee. During the hearing, Daines called on the commissioners to ensure an equitable distribution of Universal Service funds to help close the connectivity gap between urban and rural areas, including tribal communities.

Daines Presses Kerry on Coal

U.S. SENATE — Senator Steve Daines today pressed the Obama administration on their anti-coal, anti-energy policies and emphasized the important role that innovation holds in America’s energy future.   During this afternoon’s Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs hearing, Daines pressed Secretary of State John Kerry on the Obama administration’s failure to take into account the effect of anti-energy policies on hardworking Montana families including the disastrous effects to tribal and union jobs. Under Daines’ questioning, Kerry acknowledged that coal will continue to be an “energy of choice” because it is affordable. Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. Click here to

Daines Statement on Inexcusable IRS Security Breach

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines slammed President Obama’s failure to expeditiously inform Congress after yet another security breach occurred at the Internal Revenue Service in January.  “The President has a duty to inform Congress of cyber attacks on federal infrastructure, yet once again has tried to sweep this under the rug,” Daines stated. “It’s no coincidence that on President Obama’s watch, two federal agencies within the past year have suffered large-scale and inexcusable breaches in security. He has failed to demonstrate needed leadership and has neglected to take tangible steps to address these persistent cyberinfrastructure challenges – a failure that has permeated into

Daines, Blumenthal Resolution Recognizes February 17 as Digital Learning Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senators Steve Daines (R-MT) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) today sought to affirm the importance of student data privacy by recognizing February 17, 2016 as Digital Learning Day. Last night, Daines and Blumenthal successfully passed a bipartisan resolution recognizing February 17 as Digital Learning Day. The senators’ resolution, which passed by unanimous consent, highlights the many ways in which technology can enhance the classroom experience while striking the right balance in protecting the personal information of students. “Everyday, students around the globe use technology to enhance the classroom learning experience,” Daines stated. “Digital Learning Day provides the opportunity to raise awareness about

Daines Calls on FCC to Clarify Broadband Definition

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today led five of his Senate colleagues in urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to clarify their inconsistent and arbitrary definitions of broadband, which could detrimentally impact rural Montanans. The letter is also signed by Roger Wicker (MS), Roy Blunt (MO), Deb Fischer (NE), Ron Johnson (WI) and Cory Gardner (CO). The senators expressed their concerns that: The FCC’s arbitrary 25/3 Mbps benchmark speed does not reflect what most Americans consider broadband The use of this benchmark discourages providers from offering speeds at or above the benchmark The definition contradicts the broadband definition used in

Montana Delegation Introduces Legislation to Repeal REAL ID

U.S. CONGRESS —Senator Steve Daines, Senator Jon Tester and Representative Ryan Zinke today announced that they have formally introduced legislation in the Senate and House repealing federal mandates for driver’s licenses included in the REAL ID Act of 2005. “Montanans have spoken loud and clear: we don’t want REAL ID and we don’t want the federal government infringing on our personal privacy,” Daines stated. “The Repeal ID Act ensures Montanans’ voices are heard and will help strike the right balance that protects our security while also safeguarding Montanans’ civil liberties.” “REAL ID violates the constitutional freedoms of law-abiding Americans and

Daines Announces Legislation to Repeal REAL ID

HELENA, Mont. — Senator Steve Daines today announced his plan to reintroduce legislation repealing federal mandates for drivers’ licenses included in the REAL ID Act of 2005.  Standing alongside Montana Attorney General Tim Fox at the Montana Attorney General’s Office, Daines announced that he would be reintroducing the “Repeal ID Act,” which works to protect Montana’s right to reject the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) intrusive ID requirements by fully repealing Section II of the REAL ID Act of 2005.  “Montanans are fully aware of the power that big data holds and the consequences when that data is abused,” Daines stated. “Montana has

Daines’ Bill to Reauthorize PHMSA Passes Senate Commerce Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the overwhelming bipartisan passage of his legislation to help ensure the safety of America’s pipeline network.   The bipartisan SAFE PIPES Act passed out of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee this morning. The bill would reauthorize Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) from Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 through FY 2019.  “The SAFE PIPES Act is an important step forward to improve the protection of pipeline river crossings, fill vacant inspector positions and facilitate communication between PHMSA and state agencies,” Daines stated. “This is a strong, bipartisan bill that will enhance pipeline safety, promote economic