Supporting Our Troops

Since taking the oath of office, I’ve work tirelessly to ensure that veterans and military families receive the services and benefits that they deserve. The best way to serve our veteran and military communities is to hire those who have been in their shoes. I’ve hired several Montana veterans to serve our state’s veterans, service members and military families.

The men and women of Malmstrom and Montana’s reserve components perform vital missions and are a core part of Montana’s communities. I’ve been fighting to defend Montana’s mission at Malmstrom Air Force Base, which is critical to our national security. I’ve also been fighting to protect and ensure the modernization

of Montana Air National Guard’s C-130 fleet.

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting Montana National Guard troops deployed in Kabul, Afghanistan. I met with soldiers from Montana’s 495th CSSB from Kalispell, and spent time visiting with the dedicated men and women who are defending our country.

Montana’s veterans and service members are the greatest examples of why America is the greatest country on earth and why our freedoms and liberties are worth defending. The Montana military community is a strong and powerful family and together we will preserve that tradition for generations to come.

Daines Secures Meritorious Unit Commendation for Montana Army National Guard Unit

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that the Montana Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 189th Aviation Regiment received a Meritorious Unit Commendation for actions in 2014.   “I am glad to have finally secured this long overdue recognition for the over 200 Montanans serving in the 189th Aviation Regiment of the Montana Army National Guard,” Daines said. “The 189th Aviation Regiment was recommended for this commendation for actions in 2014 while serving in Kuwait. I am honored I could work on behalf of our fighting men and women to get them the recognition they earned.” Background: In April of

Daines’ Bill Passes Senate Ensuring GI Bill Benefits Aren’t Impacted During Coronavirus Outbreak

U.S. SENATE –U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that the Senate passed his bipartisan bill that protects veterans and their dependents from losing GI Bill education benefits during the Coronavirus outbreak while they take part in online classes. “I am proud to fight to protect veteran’s education benefits during the coronavirus outbreak,” Daines said. “Veterans should not be punished for practicing good public health and transitioning to online classes during this pandemic. My bipartisan bill would ensure that GI Bill benefits do not change for veterans and their dependents who are forced to take online classes during this outbreak.” This

Daines Secures Montana Air National Guard on Short List for Upgrade to C-130J Aircraft

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that the Montana Air National Guard base has made the short list to receive an upgrade to C-130J military aircrafts.  “This is great news for our men and women serving in the Montana Air National Guard and Great Falls,” Daines said. “Modernizing our aging fleet will strengthen our national security and ensure our men and women have the resources necessary to keep America safe. That’s why I fought to highlight the work of the 120th Airlift Wing to Secretary Barrett to ensure Montana was on the Air Force’s short list for this

Daines Secures Over $15 Million for Malmstrom Infrastructure Project in Great Falls

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that $15,077,162 will go to the renovation of an existing 3-Bay hangar at Malmstrom Air Force Base to facilitate the storage of the new MH-139 helicopter. “This is good news for Montana and will help modernize our defense infrastructure at Malmstrom,” Daines said. “We must ensure that our men and women serving in uniform have access to the best equipment available for our national security. I’m proud to have helped secure resources and push for this important project for Malmstrom.”     This news follows Daines’ February 28th meeting with 341st Missile Wing

Daines, Tester Bipartisan B-47 Bill Passes U.S. Senate

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today celebrated Senate passage of their bipartisan bill renaming the B-47 Ridge in honor of four fallen servicemen. “After almost six decades, we are one step closer to getting these brave men who tragically died in the B-47 Bomber crash the memorial and recognition they deserve,” Daines said. “I look forward to the bill passing out of the U.S. House and getting this important recognition signed into law.”  “Today, we are one step closer to honoring the brave men whose lives were cut short on that tragic night,” said Tester. “Commemorating

Daines Votes to Support Malmstrom, Troops & Border Security

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted for a bipartisan bill that will help strengthen Montana’s military units, secure the southern border and combat Montana’s meth crisis. The bill also gives a 3.1% pay raise for troops. “Today I voted to give our troops a 3.1% pay raise, secure our southern border, combat Montana’s meth crisis and support Malmstrom and our national defense. This is a good day for Montana,” Daines said. The bill will now be sent to President Trump to be signed into law. Among many Montana wins, the bill does the following: Strengthens Montana’s and the

Daines Votes for Montana Defense Priorities, Little Shell Recognition in Defense Bill

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted for a major defense bill, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes a 3.1% pay raise for the military, critical defense priorities for Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls and federal recognition of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Daines fought to include provisions that will preserve and protect Malmstrom’s mission, while safeguarding national security for generations to come.   “This legislation strengthens Montana’s defense priorities and gives our men and women in uniform a much deserved 3.1% pay raise,” Daines said. “This is about peace through strength. Our nuclear deterrents

Daines Successfully Retains Little Shell Recognition, Montana Defense Priorities in Final NDAA

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that he successfully preserved big wins for Montana in the final National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) including the federal recognition of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians and critical defense priorities for Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls. Daines fought for years to help get federal recognition for the Little Shell Tribe. Earlier this year, Daines successfully fought to include federal recognition of the Tribe as an amendment in the Senate passed NDAA. Daines then successfully demanded it be included in the final NDAA. “Today is great news for Montana. After

Daines, Tester, Gianforte Celebrate Senate Passage of Travis Atkins Bill

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte today celebrated the U.S. Senate passage of their bipartisan legislation to rename the VA clinic in Bozeman after fallen Montana war hero, Staff Sergeant Travis Atkins. “Staff Sergeant Travis Atkins’ bravery and service in to our nation is a true inspiration for Montanans and Americans nationwide,” Daines said. “I’m happy to see my colleagues in the U.S. Senate support this important bill recognizing Atkins’ bravery by renaming the VA clinic in his hometown of Bozeman in his honor. His selfless sacrifice will never be forgotten.”  “Today, with