Keystone XL Pipeline

Daines: President Obama’s Rejection of the Keystone XL is an Affront to the American People

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today admonished President Barack Obama for rejecting TransCanada’s application to build the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline:  “It has taken more than seven years for President Obama to come clean with the American people and admit his anti-energy and anti-American jobs agenda. President Obama had an opportunity to help create good-paying jobs with the construction of the Keystone pipeline, but instead he chose to blatantly disregard the economic needs of this nation, the need for good-paying jobs, like union jobs, energy costs for Montana families and the will of the American people. The rejection of

Daines Statement on State Department’s Rejection of TransCanada Request to Suspend Keystone XL Application

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today denounced the State Department’s decision to reject TransCanada’s request to suspend their application’s review to build the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline: “President Obama has made clear that he has no intention of approving the Keystone XL pipeline. The State Department’s rejection of TransCanada’s request to suspend the Keystone application’s review is just another political move in the Obama administration’s long-standing war on American energy. Once again, President Obama is working directly against American energy independence, American jobs and the will of the American people.” Daines has been a vocal proponent of building the

Daines Statement on TransCanada Suspension of Keystone XL Application

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today expressed his disappointment following TransCanada’s decision to suspend their application to build the commonsense Keystone XL pipeline: “The Obama administration has waged a full on assault on American energy independence that has resulted in TransCanada’s decision to suspend its application to build the commonsense Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline would have created new opportunities for good-paying jobs, helped advance American energy independence and lowered American energy prices. While this suspension is bad news, it is not the end of the line – I will keep fighting for this shovel-ready project that has the overwhelming

Daines Statement on Vote to Override President Obama’s Keystone Veto

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement after the Senate failed to gain enough votes to override President Obama’s veto of the bipartisan Keystone XL pipeline. “It’s disappointing that some of my Democrat Senate colleagues failed to stand with a majority of the Senate and the American people to override the President’s short-sighted veto of the Keystone XL pipeline. Regardless of today’s vote, the fight to build Keystone is not over. I will continue to keep pressure on the Obama administration to approve this pipeline and fight for American jobs, American opportunity and American energy independence.” Last

Daines: Keystone Veto Solidifies President’s War on Jobs, Energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today blasted President Obama’s recent veto of the bipartisan Keystone XL pipeline, condemning the veto as yet another sign of Obama’s “war on energy.” “President Obama is standing firmly against thousands of good-paying American jobs and domestic energy independence,” Daines stated. “Instead of advancing economic opportunity for hardworking Montana families, the President is instead perpetuating his war on energy and standing as a barrier to affordable energy. With one stroke of the pen, President Obama chose political grandstanding over the overwhelming bipartisan approval of Congress and the American people. I will continue to fight

Daines Hails House Passage of Keystone XL Pipeline

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today applauded the House passage of the bipartisan Senate legislation that would approve the Keystone XL pipeline – clearing the way for the President to make a long-awaited decision on the job-creating project. “President Obama is out of excuses. It’s time for him to join the American people and approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline,” Daines stated.“The Keystone pipeline will create new opportunities for good-paying jobs, energy independence, lower energy prices and millions of dollars in tax revenue for Montana counties. This project is good for national security and our global competitiveness. Montanans have been waiting

Daines Applauds Final Passage of Keystone XL Pipeline

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Senator Steve Daines today applauded the bipartisan Senate passage of legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline by a vote of 62-36. This long-awaited legislation will create tens of thousands of good paying jobs, bring much needed economic opportunity to Montana and move the nation one step closer to North American energy independence. “Today, the Senate finally took long-awaited action and passed commonsense, pro-growth legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. This job-creating project will increase economic opportunity in Montana – in turn, raising tax revenues to fund our schools and infrastructure while lowering energy costs for the hardworking

Daines Statement on Nebraska Supreme Court Keystone Decision

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement regarding the Nebraska Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline: “This decision is a win for the people of Montana and the thousands of American families who will directly benefit from the jobs created by Keystone XL pipeline’s construction,” Daines stated. “This project has strong bipartisan support, will create thousands of good-paying jobs, and will provide struggling Montana communities with millions of dollars of badly needed revenue for infrastructure and education. With the Nebraska Supreme Court’s recent ruling, the President

Daines, Senate Energy Committee Approve Keystone XL Bill

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator Steve Daines joined the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today to approve Daines-cosponsored legislation that would permit construction of the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline, clearing the way for full Senate vote. The bill, S. 1, was introduced earlier this week and has 60 bipartisan cosponsors. It was passed in Committee today with bipartisan support. “Along its way the pipeline crosses through six counties total injecting thousands of jobs to dying rural communities and millions of dollars in tax revenue to support weakening infrastructure and neighborhood schools,” Daines stated. “Simply stated, Keystone XL is not just a