Category: News Article

Biden to pause oil and gas sales on public lands, Daines to introduce counter-legislation

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is set to announce a wide-ranging moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on U.S. lands and waters, as his administration moves quickly to reverse Trump administration policies on energy and the environment and address climate change. The move follows a 60-day suspension of new drilling permits for U.S. lands and waters announced last week and follows Biden’s campaign pledge to halt new drilling on federally controlled land and water as part of his plan to address climate change. The moratorium is intended to allow time for officials to review the impact of oil and

Biden’s climate crisis orders spark protest and praise in Montana and Wyoming

Declaring the country can’t wait any longer to address the climate crisis, President Joe Biden signed three executive orders Wednesday to prioritize climate change across all levels of government. The Biden plan essentially offers a road map to transform the nation’s fossil-fuel powered economy into a clean-burning one. Its goal is to eliminate pollution from fossil fuels in the power sector by 2035. Topping the president’s bold initiatives, a moratorium on leasing of new oil, gas and coal leases on public lands and waters. Biden’s orders direct the Secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas

Daines to introduce bill countering Biden’s pause on oil, gas leases on federal lands

MONTANA – U.S. Sen. Steve Daines said he is putting a bill forward that would backpedal President Joe Biden’s suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal property, Daines announced Wednesday. “President Biden is continuing his attack on American energy, this time by blocking all new oil and gas leases on federal lands. This is another blow to Made in America energy, jobs and our Montana way of life,” Daines said in a release from his office. “This action will kill nearly one million American jobs, increase our reliance on the Middle East for energy, and will result in

Moran, Daines, Hoeven plan bill to counteract Biden’s order to halt Keystone XL Pipeline project

Following President Joe Biden’s decision to revoke the cross-border operation permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline, U.S. Sens. Jerry Moran (R-KS), Steve Daines (R-MT), and John Hoeven (R-ND) plan to introduce a GOP-led bill to authorize ongoing construction of the project. “Canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline will cost our country thousands of jobs, raise energy prices, and make us more dependent on foreign countries to supply our energy,” Sen. Moran said. “At a time when our economy and communities are hurting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we should be focusing on sending people back to work not taking their jobs

Steve Daines Proposes to Withhold Congress Pay If It Cannot Balance a Budget

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) reintroduced legislation Tuesday that would stipulate that if Congress cannot pass a balanced budget, members of Congress will not get paid. Daines said in a statement on Tuesday: With runaway public debt now exceeding $27 trillion, we face a looming crisis. In fact, since I introduced this bill two years ago, our debt has increased by more than 30 percent. The American people depend on Congress to do its job. Folks at home balance their budgets, Congress should be able to do the same. The Montana conservative, who was reelected in November, introduced the Balanced Budget

Sen. Steve Daines to Newsmax TV: Biden Taking US ‘Back to ’70s’

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., on Tuesday said President Joe Biden’s executive order on the Keystone XL Pipeline “take(s) us back to the ’70s” regarding energy policy, bringing with it higher oil prices, inflation, loss of jobs, and national security implications. Daines ridiculed Biden, and Democrats as a whole, on Newsmax TV for their stance on the pipeline and other energy issues, saying the party is beholden to radical leftists. “Many of us remember what happened back in the 1970s, back when we were dependent on the Middle East for oil,” Danes, 58, told “Spicer & Co.” “Thank God for American

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT): “The Democrats Have Left The Blue Collar Folks Behind”

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) explains why President Biden’s Keystone Pipeline policy his hurting the American worker and why Senate Democrats should not hold a second impeachment trial for former President Trump. “They’ve become enemies now of the American worker. They talk about the green-on-blue fight that is occurring in the Democratic Party, the green green folks versus the blue collar. The Democrats have left the blue collar folks behind. That is why President Trump had such a strong following of American workers, because he was standing up for them. And unfortunately, we tried

Daines: Biden Putting Saudi Arabia First

Revenue for schools. Revenue for infrastructure. Aside from the short-term construction jobs fueled by the Keystone XL pipeline, there is a reason it enjoys such strong support across Montana. When Joe Biden halted the Keystone pipeline his first week in office, he also halted American jobs and at least $60 million in revenue that would flow to counties in Eastern Montana every single year. When I caught up with county commissioners in Dawson County (Glendive) several years ago, they estimated the pipeline would bring in $9-$19 million a year just for Dawson County alone. If Biden’s plans aren’t halted- kiss

Montana GOP officials blast Biden’s environmental actions

President Joe Biden’s new administration wasted no time taking executive actions aimed at combating climate change and protecting the environment. And Montana’s top Republican leaders have wasted no time criticizing those actions, saying they will kill jobs and make the United States more dependent on foreign oil. U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale and Gov. Greg Gianforte each have criticized Biden’s decision to halt construction of the long-disputed Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would run through six states, including Montana, on its way from Alberta, Canada, to the Texas Gulf Coast. Biden revoked a permit for the pipeline

Oil and gas takes another hit with suspension of federal leases

The oil and gas industry in Montana and North Dakota took another hit Thursday when the Department of the Interior announced it will suspend new oil and gas leases on federal lands for 60 days as part of a broad review of Interior’s programs. The move is a first step toward making good on promises that newly sworn in President Joe Biden made on the campaign trail to halt new drilling and hydraulic fracturing on federal lands. The suspension won’t limit activity under already existing leases. Companies can continue to drill and develop those acres. Presently, about 20 percent of