Category: News Article

Kevin McCarthy: Joe Biden ‘Wiped Away’ America’s Energy Revolution with the Stroke of a Pen

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said during a press conference Tuesday that President Joe Biden “wiped away” America’s energy revolution with the stroke of a pen.

McCarthy, speaking alongside several other House Republicans at Enterprise Products in Houston, slammed Biden’s anti-American energy policies:

We’ve watched America in the last few years become almost energy independent, making America stronger, creating more jobs, lowering the price of energy for Americans, and also making the world safer against our adversaries. I had never envisioned all of that success could be wiped away with one pen.

Reps. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Brian Babin (R-TX), Michael McCaul (R-TX), Randy Weber (R-TX), Michael McCloud (R-TX), Troy Nehls (R-TX), Stephanie Bice (R-OK), and Yvette Herrell (R-NM) joined McCarthy for the press conference.

“I had never envisioned President Biden, on the day of being sworn in, talking about unity, but in less than two weeks, wiping away tens of thousands of Americans’ jobs, of empowering our adversaries to be stronger, and putting the energy costs of Americans on a path to go higher,” McCarthy added.

McCarthy also added that Biden’s actions to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and new oil and natural gas mining permits on federal lands would harm Americans that service the energy industry.

The House GOP leader asked rhetorically, “What about the small hotel owner or the restaurant owner that are now losing their jobs because of his action?”

McCarthy said he and other House Republicans will join with Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) to introduce the Keystone Pipeline Preservation Jobs Act. Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) will introduce the Senate version of the legislation.

“If President Biden is serious about any unity, come to Houston, come to middle America, come look in the faces of those workers, who earn $80,000 a year and tell them why you took their jobs away without even talking to them,” McCarthy said.

Senate pro-life chair: Down syndrome abortions are ‘eugenics’

Down syndrome abortions are “eugenics,” the Senate pro-life caucus chair told CNA in an interview this week. “This is eugenics, and we cannot allow this to continue in our country,” Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus, told CNA in an interview on Thursday. Daines was referring to abortions conducted because of a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. He admonished fellow senators who support the Special Olympics but who won’t vote to ban these abortions. “On one hand, these pro-abortion thinkers and leaders will applaud the Special Olympics. On the other hand, they support selective abortions for

Senate pro-life caucus chairman rails against Biden abortion executive orders

Sen. Steve Daines, the founder and chairman of the Senate Pro-life Caucus, slammed President Biden over his executive actions to roll back two Trump policies that restricted government support for abortion. Specifically, Biden will issue a presidential memorandum that will rescind the Mexico City Policy, which prevents the federal government from funding international organizations that provide abortion. In a similar move, Biden’s memorandum will direct the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reconsider Trump-era regulations that require separation between family planning programs funded under Title X and abortion. This includes the actual performance of abortions, referrals for abortions

Sen. Daines introduces bill to give states more control over education spending

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines reintroduced the “Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success Act” or the “A-PLUS Act” Friday to give Montanans more say over how their tax dollars are spent on education. “Montana parents and teachers know what Montana students need best,” Sen. Daines said. “We should empower state and local leaders to have more of a say in the classroom, and keep D.C. bureaucrats and the federal government out of it.” Montana Superintendent Elsie Arntzen weighed in, saying, “‘The A Plus Act’ is about more than removing burdens and giving schools flexibility. The ‘A Plus Act’

MonDak Senators sign on to bill allowing interstate meat sales

Three MonDak senators have have signed onto a bipartisan bill introduced by Republican South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds that seeks to allow the interstate trade of meat processed in state-inspected facilities. The New Markets for State-Inspected Meat and Poultry Act would allow meat and poultry products that were inspected by federally approved state Meat and Poultry Inspection programs to be sold across state lines. That would give Montana ranchers more options to sell their products, avoiding backlogs, and bringing more diversity to livestock meat markets. Montana Sen. Steve Daines and Sen. Jon Tester, as well as North Dakota Sen. Kevin

Sen. Daines: Fight Not Over To Reverse Biden Decision On Keystone Pipeline

Republican Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) said Joe Biden’s decision to end construction on the Keystone XL pipeline is an effort to “make America unemployed again.” One America’s John Hines caught up with the Montana lawmaker, who’s set to introduce legislation to reverse Biden’s decision.

Biden Signs Executive Order Allowing the U.S. to Fund Global Abortions

President Biden signed an executive order Thursday afternoon reversing the Mexico City policy, permitting U.S. aid money once again to fund groups that provide or promote abortion around the globe. The policy was first put in place by President Ronald Reagan in an effort to ensure that taxpayers were not required to indirectly fund abortion procedures performed in other countries. The policy has been undone via executive order by every subsequent Democratic administration and reinstated by each Republican one. The Trump administration expanded the policy to include not only family planning funds distributed by the State Department and the U.S.

Sen. Daines announces legislation to combat energy policies of Biden administration

BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – Within his first week in office, President Joe Biden has made significant changes to the country’s energy industry through an array of executive orders. Last week, the president revoked a critical permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. On Wednesday, Biden paused all new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and offshore waters “to the extent possible.” Senator Steve Daines, R-Mont., says he’s joining with other western senators to introduce two bills, one to allow construction on the Keystone XL pipeline to continue, and another to reverse the moratorium on oil and gas leasing on

Senator Steve Daines on Pipeline Cancellation and Impeachment

Montana Senator Steve Daines was on the Montana Morning News show on Wednesday to discuss a variety of topics, but at the top of the list was President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline. “If you don’t believe that elections have consequences take a look at what happened within six hours after Joe Biden took the Office of the oath of office,” said Daines. “He killed the Keystone XL Pipeline one stroke of the pen. This is all part of Biden’s ‘make America unemployed again strategy’. He’s declared war on American energy. This is about putting Saudi Arabia first