Author: Alison Perfater

Daines Leads Opposition to Biden Administration’s Attempt to Increase Regulation on Montana Oil Production

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines led a measure challenging the Biden Administration’s rule that would force more burdensome regulations on new and existing Montana oil production. This new set of regulations would cause prices to skyrocket, first for Montana producers, then for Montana consumers. “President Biden will stop at nothing to appease the far-Left environmental groups who want to shut down domestic energy production, and the results are devastating to Montana’s small energy producers. We must put a stop to Biden’s heavy-handed regulations that are bad for our pocketbooks, America’s energy security and our national security.” Daines said. Read the

Daines Tech Bills One Step Closer to Becoming Law

Bill to Support Multi-Cloud Technology, Bill to Modernize DHS Technology Pass Out of Senate Committee U.S. SENATE – Today two of U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ bipartisan bills passed out of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. Daines’ “Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act” modernizes and streamlines the adoption of cloud computing technology in federal agencies and Daines’ “BEST Technology for the Homeland Act” reauthorizes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to extend its use of a procurement tool for acquiring leading-edge technology. “Ensuring our federal government has access to the latest cutting-edge technology helps bolster our national security, increase efficiency, spur innovation and

Daines Highlights Devastating Impact of Substance Abuse, Seeks Treatment Solutions at Roundtable

Montanan from Rimrock Foundation in Billings Shares Experience with Participants U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines, Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Health Care Subcommittee, today highlighted the devastating impact of substance abuse and the opioid epidemic and discussed how to best support treatment and care for patients at a roundtable. Daines also invited Dr. Malcolm Horn from the Rimrock Foundation in Billings, Montana, to participate in the roundtable and share her expertise in treating patients with substance use and opioid addictions.  Watch Daines’ opening remarks and introduction of Dr. Horn HERE. “Today’s topic is arguably one of the most relevant and maybe the

Daines Joins Colleagues in Introducing Measure to Overturn Harmful Credit Card Fee Rule

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines helped introduce a measure to overturn the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) rule capping credit card late penalties. The Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution argues the CFPB’s rule will decrease the availability of credit card products for those who need it most, raise rates for many borrowers who carry a balance but pay on time, and increase the likelihood of late payments across the board. “During a time when inflation is already at a record high thanks to the Biden Administration, this rule from the CFPB doesn’t help ease the financial strain on Montana

Daines Calls for Full Impeachment Hearing on Secretary Mayorkas on Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto to discuss the impeachment of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Daines called on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to hold a full impeachment trial and highlighted Mayorkas’ failures at the southern border. Watch Daines’ remarks HERE. Daines on Mayorkas’ Impeachment Trial in the Senate: I’m not surprised, first of all, that Chuck Schumer was hoping those articles would come to the Senate this week on a Thursday afternoon so they could get buried for the weekend. The Democrats don’t want to talk about this. Look, the House has spoken. It

Daines: “That’s Not Really How It Works, Mr. President.”

Find me a trucker who wants to do a long haul from Glendive, MT, to Butte, MT, in an electric semi in January, and, to quote George Strait, ‘I’ll find you some oceanfront property in Arizona.’ WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference criticizing the Biden administration’s climate-driven mandates that would force the production of electric vehicles and heavy duty trucks: Watch Daines’ remarks HERE. “Well, let me join the choir. Joe Biden’s border is a mess, and I agree with my colleagues that every Senate Democrat needs to join Republicans in

Daines Blasts Biden EPA Mandate Forcing Heavy Duty Truckers to go Electric

“Find me a trucker who wants to do a long haul drive from Glendive to Butte in an electric semi in January and I’ll find you some oceanfront property in Arizona.” U.S. Senator Steve Daines blasted the Biden EPA today for its latest climate-driven mandate that would force the production of electric heavy duty trucks: “The Biden administration apparently wasn’t satisfied that its climate-driven tailpipe emissions mandate a little more than a week ago wouldn’t hurt working families in Montana and across the country enough, now it wants us to believe that building electric heavy duty trucks is the answer

Daines, Tester Introduce Resolution Recognizing National Asbestos Awareness Week

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today introduced a bipartisan resolution to declare April 1-7 as the 19th annual National Asbestos Awareness Week. The resolution aims to raise awareness of the ongoing effects of asbestos and directs the U.S. Surgeon General to issue a warning to all Americans about the dangers of asbestos exposure. “Too many Montanans have suffered from asbestos exposure and the related health impacts that can take years to appear. As we continue to raise awareness around the risks of asbestos, we also must continue to help clean up communities like Libby and Troy and help protect the health and wellbeing of

Daines Introduces Legislation to Improve Care for Seniors

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced bipartisan legislation to improve access to orthotics and prosthetics for seniors in Medicare. The “Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Patient-Centered Care Act” would reduce fraud, expand access, and address other barriers to quality care, while saving critical dollars in the Medicare program. “Many Montana seniors rely on orthopedic braces or prosthetics but unfortunately the potential for abuse within Medicare can stand in the way of quality care,” said Daines. “I’m glad to introduce this bipartisan bill to expand access to needed orthotics and prosthetics for our seniors and reduce waste and fraud in order to better serve Montana patients.”   Read the full text of the bill HERE. Specifically, the Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics

Daines Opposes Latest Wasteful Washington Spending Bill

Fails to Adequately Address Spending and Border Crises U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement after voting against the latest spending package that includes more than $1.9 billion worth of earmarks and continues Washington’s wasteful spending habits. In addition, the bill fails to adequately address the crisis at the nation’s southern border. Every Senate Democrat voted against every border-related amendment that would help secure the border. “For the second time in a month, Washington is failing Montanans and the American people by passing yet another out-of-control spending bill that does nothing to restore much-needed sanity to our budget