Search Results for: cottonwood

Daines Calls for Passage of bipartisan 9th Circuit Cottonwood fix, highlights efforts to support wildland firefighters at Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today called attention to the serious threat of wildfires as smoke covers East Coast skies and highlighted the importance of passing his full and permanent fix for the 9th Circuit Cottonwood decision. Click HERE to download his remarks. Daines: When you woke up this morning in Washington, you might have opened your windows up and heard the birds coughing outside. It’s no secret that wildfire season is upon us. My guess is that folks on the East Coast are already sick of the smoke. We’re already hearing about ground stops at the Philadelphia airport,

As Skies Fill with Smoke from Canadian Wildfires, Daines Calls for Full Reversal of Disastrous 9th Circuit Cottonwood Decision

“If you woke up in D.C. today you may have heard the sound of birds coughing” To watch Daines’ remarks, click HERE. U.S. SENATE – As the East Coast gets a taste of wildfire season with skies filling with smoke from Canadian wildfires, U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference calling for the passage of his bill to reverse the disastrous 9th Circuit Cottonwood decision to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. “If you woke up in Washington D.C., this morning, you might have awakened to the sound of birds coughing. You’re all getting a firsthand account and experience of the

Three Daines Priorities, Including the 9th Circuit Cottonwood Fix, Closer to Becoming Law

Daines’ “Root and Stem Act,” “Gateway Community Recreation and Enhancement Act” also pass out of Committee U.S. SENATE – Today, three of U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ priorities passed with unanimous bipartisan support out of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Daines’ bill to fix the disastrous 9th Circuit Cottonwood decision, his bipartisan “Root and Stem Act” and his bipartisan “Gateway Community and Recreation Enhancement Act” are now one step closer to becoming law.  9th Circuit Cottonwood Fix: Daines’ bill to reverse the disastrous 9th Circuit Cottonwood decision will help increase active forest management by finally aligning consultation requirements in Montana and other states in the

Forest Service Chief Calls for Passage of Daines’ Cottonwood 9th Circuit Court Decision Fix at Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Hearing

U.S. SENATE—U.S. Senator Steve Daines today at a Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing questioned U.S. Forest Service Chief Randy Moore on common sense forest management and the importance of passing his complete and permanent fix to the Cottonwood 9th Circuit Court decision. Senator Daines: “We need to get that Ninth Circuit Cottonwood fix passed because its looming deadline that now has expired last month and now that has expired, would you agree that a full and permanent Cottonwood solution should be a high priority and a bipartisan priority for this Congress?” U.S. Forest Service Chief Randy Moore: “Yes, sir. I do.”

Daines renews push for reversal of Cottonwood decision

Source: Bozeman Daily Chronicle Montana’s Republican U.S. senator is leading a bipartisan effort to compel the Biden administration to reverse precedent set in a 2015 federal court decision over critical habitat for Canada lynx. A bipartisan group of lawmakers, led by U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, on Tuesday sent a letter to the Biden administration asking for a full and permanent reversal to requirements established in the 2015 Cottonwood decision. Daines is calling for the change about a month after the 117th Congress ended its session without passing a bill to reverse the court case’s precedent. The legislation passed out of the

Daines Leads Bipartisan Call on Biden Administration to Include Cottonwood Fix in Federal Budget

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today continued his push for common sense forest management and led a bipartisan group of his colleagues to call on the Biden administration to include Daines’ full and permanent Cottonwood fix in the Fiscal Year 2024 President’s Budget, which is traditionally introduced after the President delivers his State of the Union Address. President Biden is scheduled to deliver his State of the Union Address February 7, 2023. “We write today to request your support in the Fiscal Year 2024 President’s Budget for a clean legislative fix to reverse the 2015 Cottonwood Environmental Law Center

Daines, Rosendale Urge Biden Admin to Finalize Rule to Reverse Disastrous Cottonwood Decision

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Representative Matt Rosendale are leading their colleagues in urging the Biden administration to resolve challenges stemming from the disastrous Cottonwood decision which threatens Montana forest management projects. “During a congressional hearing on October 2021, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) testified that unless action is taken to resolve challenges stemming from the 2015 Cottonwood Environmental Law Center v. U.S. Forest Service, (Cottonwood) decision, the agency will have to go through re-consultation, regardless of the merit, on over one-hundred forest plans that “will take years and cost millions of dollars,” threatening to undermine the Administration’s 10 Year

Daines, Rosendale: Cottonwood Decision Hurts Montana Timber Jobs, Forest Management Project

U.S. CONGRESS —U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Matt Rosendale today sent a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service urging the agencies to address the Cottonwood decision that hurts Montana timber jobs and forest management projects in Montana and across the country. “The proposed rule will allow land managers and wildlife biologists to follow the best-available science for consultation. It will remove an ambiguity in current regulations that have led to more lawsuits than conservation work. This rule is critical to improve the health of Montana’s forest, advance wildlife and restoration projects, reduce the risk of

Daines proposes legislation to reverse Cottonwood decision

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) on June 24 led a Republican bill that would remove the so-called Cottonwood decision, which the senator considers a roadblock to responsible forest management efforts on federal lands. “Even the Obama Administration agreed that the Cottonwood decision was flawed and crippled forest management,” Sen. Daines said last week. “This law has tied the hands of our land managers, prevented them from following the best available science in management decisions, and diverted resources for a paperwork exercise yielding no conservation benefit.” In 2015, the Ninth Circuit Court ruled in Cottonwood Environmental Law Center v. United States

Daines, Perdue, Zinke, Christiansen Join Forces to Fight Wildfires, Zinke Pledges Support to Repeal Cottonwood Decision

U.S. SENATE — Today, at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue, Interior Department Secretary Ryan Zinke, USDA’s Interim Chief of the Forest Service Vicky Christiansen and other congressional leaders joined U.S. Senator Steve Daines in agreeing to join forces to strengthen the fight against wildfires. At a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Zinke also affirmed his commitment to work with Daines to fully repeal the Ninth Circuit’s Cottonwood decision. During the roundtable, Daines, Perdue, Zinke, Christiansen and the other congressional leaders from wildfire-prone states signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that facilitates interagency coordination in response to