Daines Statement on FCC Internet Access Power Grab

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today slammed the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for voting to place more burdens on Internet access through their 317-page plan to regulate the Internet under Title II of the Federal Communications Act of 1934.

“The Obama administration’s 317-page regulation is nothing short of a government takeover of the Internet and a power grab that will slap more red tape on Americans’ Internet access. Rather than working toward bipartisan solutions that create jobs and promote innovation, the President and his administration have forced through yet another short-sighted regulation that will likely increase costs for the thousands of Montanans who rely on the Internet for economic opportunity and access to critical communication services.  I will continue working to maintain a free and open Internet and stop the Obama administration’s reckless Internet takeover.”

Daines is a cosponsor of the Federal Communications Commission Process Reform Act of 2015 which encourages more transparency and opportunities for the public to see pending FCC action by publishing the exact rule or amendment to a rule for at least 21 days and by allowing any Commissioner to ask for a vote on any order issued by a bureau. This legislation passed out of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee earlier this morning.
