Daines Statement on Vote to Override President Obama’s Keystone Veto

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement after the Senate failed to gain enough votes to override President Obama’s veto of the bipartisan Keystone XL pipeline.

“It’s disappointing that some of my Democrat Senate colleagues failed to stand with a majority of the Senate and the American people to override the President’s short-sighted veto of the Keystone XL pipeline. Regardless of today’s vote, the fight to build Keystone is not over. I will continue to keep pressure on the Obama administration to approve this pipeline and fight for American jobs, American opportunity and American energy independence.”

Last night, Daines took to the Senate floor to speak about the importance of building the Keystone XL pipeline. Daines called on his Senate colleagues to stand with the American people to override the President’s veto and vowed to continue fighting for construction of the pipeline.

Video of Senator Daines’ floor speech may be viewed here
