PHOTO: Daines Presents Montanan of the Week to Son of Crow Code Talker

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines presented his Montanan of the Week award to Judge Not Afraid, son of Crow Code Talker, Cyril Not Afraid.

Cyril Not Afraid was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for serving in the armed forces as a “code talker,” speaking his native Apsaalooké (Crow) language during wartime in order to transmit and receive military intelligence and successfully avoid disclosing information to enemy forces.


Click here to download the photo of Daines and Judge Not Afraid.

 “I am proud to honor the memory of Cyril Not Afraid for his brave and selfless service on behalf of our country,” Daines stated. “Cyril Not Afraid exemplifies the true spirit of our great state and the Crow Tribe’s strong legacy of military service.”

Daines’ recognition in the Congressional Record is available here.
