Fox Montana: Orlando shooting prompts talk of legislation in Senate

Sunday morning’s Orlando attack has renewed conversation in the Senate about proposed firearm legislation.

Democratic Senators are pushing for a new vote on the “Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act,” which would keep any suspected terrorist from buying firearms in America.

This isn’t the first time this legislation has come up.

Neither Senator Jon Tester or Senator Steve Daines acted as co-sponsors when the bill was defeated last December, but Senator Tester voted to support it while Senator Daines voted against it. 

On Monday, several Democratic Senators from California, New York, Connecticut and Florida revisited the idea and pushed for a fresh vote on the matter.

This comes after the Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, had been questioned by the FBI twice, but was taken off of the terror watch list after a 10-month inquiry.

Senator Daines has offered his support for a proposal that would not only do more to crack down on actual terrorists, but would also protect the rights of law-abiding Americans.

“The threat that we face is from radical Islam and ISIS,” said Daines on Tuesday. “The worst response would be to restrict the Constitutional rights and the freedoms of law abiding Montanans. The bottom line is this: if you are a known terrorist, you shouldn’t be able to board a plane and you shouldn’t be able to buy a gun.”

Senator Tester also commented regarding the legislation, saying quote *After horrific acts of hate and terror like what happened in Orlando, politicians often offer thoughts and prayers, but that is no longer enough. Congress needs to come together and take action. Legislation that will keep guns out of the hands of terrorists is just common sense and will make America safer.*

Democratic Senators also proposed additional post-Orlando legislation on Monday, but Senator Daines said it is most important that we don’t forget the 49 families that are preparing funerals, and the many other victims whose lives were affected.