Daines Praises Trump’s Actions on Syria, North Korea

Montana Senator Steve Daines says he thinks Asia respects President Donald Trump’s recent hardline stances in North Korea and Syria.

“In other words, the peace through strength doctrine of Ronald Reagan is starting to be heard a bit more over in Asia,” says Daines. “We have a president now that I think is regaining the respect of the world to its leadership.”

Daines is fresh off a congressional delegation trip to China, Tibet, Hong Kong and Japan. Last fall, China announced it would end its 13-year ban on U.S. beef imports after a Mad Cow disease scare. Daines, a Republican, says he thinks trade delegates are close to a deal to get American beef back in Chinese markets.

But escalating tensions over North Korea could complicate that effort.

“So the focus right now is, number one — send a strong message to North Korea that this is not going to be tolerated,” Daines says. “And number two, ask China to join us in trade sanctions, banking sanctions and so forth to put more pressure on North Korea to end their program.”

Daines says North Korea cannot be allowed to become a nuclear threat.