Daines Votes Against Big Spending, No Strategy

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement after voting against the $1.1 trillion spending deal and lack of strategy to fund the federal government: 

“We are seven months into the federal government’s fiscal year without a budget. Washington, D.C.’s govern-by-crisis strategy is the hallmark of dysfunction. Congress has repeated this process for 42 years and it has only worked four times. D.C. only knows one thing to do: Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Montana doesn’t operate this way, families don’t operate this way, small businesses don’t operate this way and the federal government shouldn’t operate this way.”

The first bill Daines introduced in the 115th, 114th and 113th Congress is the Balanced Budget Accountability Act requiring that Congress pass a balanced budget – or members won’t get paid.
