Daines: Lighthizer Confirmed as USTR

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement after the U.S. Senate voted to confirm President Donald J. Trump’s nominee for United States Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer. 

“I look forward to working with Ambassador Lighthtizer to strengthen and expand markets for Montana products,” Daines stated. “He will be a great asset in renegotiating a new and effective Softwood Lumber Agreement.”



Daines meeting with Lighthizer on March 9 in his Washington, D.C. office.

On March 9, Daines met with Lighthizer and hand delivered Robert Lighthizer a letter outlining Montana priorities including opening Chinese markets for U.S. beef imports, negotiating a Softwood Lumber Agreement to address unfairly subsidized Canadian lumber and ensuring Montana wheat exports do not face discrimination.

