Ag summit wraps up

The first annual Ag summit wraps up Thursday in the Electric City. 

There seemed to be a lot of hope from the attendees as they look to the future. Whole idea behind this summit, was for our National Agriculture leadership to hear and address the grassroots people of the Ag industry. 
 A big topic was how farmers and ranchers can make themselves part of a bigger global agriculture community.
Senator Daines reminded people that agriculture brings in over five billion dollars a year to the state.  He was joined by Senator Pat Roberts, the Chairman of the Senate Ag Committee and Sonny Perdue the US Secretary of Agriculture.  All three leaders said they listened to farmers and ranchers across the state  – and the biggest concern they heard was about  agriculture budget cuts.

“We heard from the farmers and ranchers here today and trade regulations is top of mind we have two of three branches of government standing here today, we have executive branch and legislative branch. And we’re hearing input today and I’m confident that we will have a budget that’s right for farmers and ranchers of this country going forward,”said Sen Daines  

Roberts  said they look through at the budget with a fine tooth comb. Although he’s not sure when the budget will be voted on but it will be different. 
Roberts added as they move forward with the budget they will also look at how to  protect crop