Montana’s leaders react to Trump’s decision on climate pact

Here’s how Montana’s politicians reacted to Trump’s decision to back out of the Paris climate accord: 

  • Republican U.S. Sen. Steve Daines: “Withdrawing from this unenforceable agreement is good news for Montanans — it would have raised utility rates for hardworking Montana families and cost our state jobs. We all want clean water and clean air, but this deal was a bad deal.”
  • Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Tester: “At a time when countries around the world are looking to America to lead in innovation, the decision to pull out of this agreement puts American businesses and jobs at risk. Like all Montana farmers, I deal with the impacts of climate change, and it’s clear that without clean air and water, Montanans can’t make a living off the land. We must take proactive steps to combat climate change. Siding with Syria and Nicaragua over the rest of the world is not how you make America great again.”
  • Republican Congressman-elect Greg Gianforte:“President Trump made the right decision because this was a terrible deal for Montana workers, and I’m not willing to sacrifice their good-paying jobs for a negligible impact on the environment. I have a duty to put Montana workers and their families first, and I will oppose any policy that threatens their livelihoods and devastates our economy.”
  • Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock: “Ask any Montana farmer, rancher, hunter, angler, or skier — climate change is real and poses a threat to our economy and our way of life. To not acknowledge that or deal with it in a responsible way is short-sighted and dangerous. In Montana, and in America, we face our challenges head on and work together to find solutions. We do not run away from them or pretend they don’t exist.”