Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Ray Hageman of Garfield County

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today recognized Ray Hageman of Garfield County for the bravery and leadership he demonstrated while fighting the Lodgepole Complex Fire this past wildfire season. 


Daines’ recognition in the Congressional Record is available here. 

Through his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines each week will highlight a Montanan by submitting a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress.

Daines welcomes anyone to nominate fellow Montanans for Daines’ “Montanan of the Week” program by calling Daines’ office at 202-224-2651 or by filling out the contact form on Daines’ website: http://www.daines.senate.gov/connect/email-steve

The following is the statement submitted to the Congressional Record: 


Mr. President, this week I have the distinct honor of recognizing Garfield County’s fire warden, Ray Hageman, for his actions to organize and coordinate the local response to the Lodgepole Complex Fire. Ray and his team worked to preserve the lives and livelihoods that were threatened by this devastating fire. Their actions exemplify the resolute character of the Treasure State. 

The Lodgepole Complex Fire was one of the largest fires of the 2017 wildfire season.  When first responders finally defeated the flames, well over a quarter million acres of land had burned. Ray was on the front lines of this rural fire, orchestrating the distribution of local equipment, coordinating effective initial response techniques and helping to integrate the efforts of partner firefighting organizations from outside the county. 

Effective local leaders like Ray are supported by the committed team members they lead. Team members like Garfield County’s Anne Miller, who was the Public Information Officer for the Lodgepole Complex Fire. Anne worked around-the-clock at the beginning of the fire to build a common understanding of a changing fire environment. By enabling open and clear lines of communication, she strengthened the team’s fire response efforts and saved many Montanans from potential loss of property and life.  

Ray and his team weathered one of the largest wildfires in the nation. Their courage in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration to all Montanans. Thank you, Ray, for leading under such difficult circumstances and working hard to protect Montanans from wildfires.
