Daines Sponsors Bill to Protect National Security during Government Shutdown

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sponsored legislation to protect Americans’ national security by preserving funding for National Guard and Reserves training during a government shutdown. Currently, members of the reserves must forego scheduled training during lapses in government funding, compromising America’s military readiness.

“The government’s first and most important job is to protect Americans’ national security,” said Daines. “With over 4,500 Guardsmen and Reservists serving in Montana, this bill ensures they can continue critical training and that government paralysis does not compromise Americans’ safety.”

Statement of Support:

“The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Montana (EANGMT) supports S2398, a bill that allows the National Guard to confidently plan training despite the uncertainty of appropriations. Canceling training during lapses of funding has created problems for National Guard units to maintain readiness. This puts the National Guard on equal footing with its active duty counter parts. We thank Senator Daines for his support in cosponsoring this important legislation.” – EANGMT President, William Frank

Read the full text of the bill, HERE.


On February 2, 2018, Daines sponsored the Military Reserve Jobs Act, legislation to increase employment opportunities for members of the National Guard and Reserve by extending eligibility for veterans’ preference points to those seeking employment with the federal government.

In March 2017, Daines introduced a bipartisan, bicameral legislation to ensure service members aren’t unduly penalized when they serve their country.
