Daines Named the 2017 Senate Taxpayer Super Hero

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today was named the Senate 2017 Taxpayer Super Hero by the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste.

“Montanan’s deserve to keep their hard-earned money in their own pockets,” said Daines. “I’m honored to be named the Senate Taxpayer Super Hero and I’ll continue to fight on behalf of taxpayers across Montana and our nation.”’

 Taxpayer Super Hero

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste released their 2017 Congressional Ratings yesterday. Members are scored based on how well they defend taxpayer interests. Members ranked with a score of 100% are named Taxpayer Super Hero. For the 2017 rankings, Daines is the only member of the United States Senate with the score of 100%. 


On December 2, 2017, Senator Daines voted in support of the Senate Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to increase wages, grow jobs and give back Americans their hard-earned dollars.

On December 1, 2017, Senator Daines announced he secured $100 billion in tax cuts for Main Street businesses, increasing their tax deduction from 17.4 percent to 23 percent.

On November 29, 2017, After Senator Daines secured an additional $60 billion in tax cuts for Main Street businesses, he agreed to vote to move the Senate tax cuts bill to the floor for debate. He promised to continue fighting on behalf of Main Street as the final bill was drafted.

On November 27, 2017, Senator Daines announced plans to vote “no” on the Senate tax cuts bill, telling leadership he wanted “to see changes to the tax cut bill that ensure main street businesses are not put at a competitive disadvantage against large corporations.” 


Contact: Marcie Kinzel, Breanna Deutsch, Julia Doyle