Daines Calls for Transparency at CBO in First Legislative Branch Subcommittee Hearing as Chairman

U.S. SENATE — Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines called for increased transparency at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) while chairing his first hearing as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Legislative Branch Subcommittee. The CBO has been criticized previously for not providing enough detail to explain its findings in budget estimates and scoring of legislation. 

“The CBO, along with all members of the legislative branch, must answer to American taxpayers,” said Daines. “As Chairman, I will fight for increased transparency and accountability within the legislative branch.”

During the hearing, Daines questioned director of the CBO, Keith Hall, on what the CBO is doing to increase transparency and accountability at the organization as it requests additional funding to increase staff.

Daines Calls for Transparency at CBO in First Legislative Branch Subcommittee Hearing as Chairman

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On August 3, 2017, Daines sponsored the CBO Show Your Work Act, which would improve the legislative process by making the Congressional Budget Office more transparent and accountable.

CBO in the Headlines:

Washington Post: The fundamental error in the CBO’s health-care projections

Washington Examiner: Mick Mulvaney: The day of the CBO ‘has probably come and gone’

Forbes: Error in CBO Report Hurts Debate Over Healthcare Reform

U.S. News and World Report: The CBO Federal Budget Predictions Are Dangerously Optimistic


