KRTV: Daines honors Gary Dent of Pondera County as “Montanan Of The Week”

After more than four decades of service, Conrad Police Chief Gary Dent recently retired.

Dent spent 40 years in law enforcement, and 31 of those years were with the city of Conrad.

Fellow officers and dispatchers joined in on his final goodbye to say thank you for all he has done.

On Friday, U.S. Senator Steve Daines honored Dent in his weekly “Montanan Of The Week” email.

The following is the statement submitted by Daines to the Congressional Record:

Mr. President, this week I have the honor of recognizing Gary Dent of Pondera County for his over 42 years of service in law enforcement.

Gary Dent was born and raised in Miles City. After high school and college, Gary discussed entering the police force with a family friend and from there, he began his career in law enforcement. After 11 years of serving around Montana, he landed in the Conrad City Police Department where he spent over 30 years as their police chief. He and his wife have one son named GR.

Gary’s passion for his job is clear. Yet it is his passion for the community that sets him apart. While serving as police chief, he filled his spare time by serving Conrad in any way he could. Including by spending time coaching middle school and high school sports teams.

Gary’s legacy in the Conrad City Police Department will survive long after his retirement. His favorite part of serving in law enforcement was the interaction with folks in the community, and that did not go unnoticed. He impacted many around Conrad and greater Pondera County community. I congratulate Gary on a career well spent and I wish him the best of luck in retirement.