Daines Statement on Job Corps Announcement

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the news that all Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers, including Montana’s Anaconda and Trapper Creek Centers, will remain open and operated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

“This is a big win for Montana and our country. I’m glad that President Trump, Secretary Perdue, and Secretary Acosta listened, and are keeping these critical centers open and under the Department of Agriculture,” Daines said. “Our job corps centers are critical. They provide hundreds of jobs in Montana, and provide future generations of young Montanans the tools they need to succeed in the work force. I greatly appreciate President Trump working with me to save these Montana jobs.”


Earlier today, Senator Daines spoke with Department of Agriculture Secretary Perdue about the importance of keeping Montana’s Job Corps sites open, and designated as CCCs.

Earlier this month, Daines introduced bipartisan legislation with his Senate colleagues to protect the county’s Job Corps programs from closure.

On June 5th, Daines sent a letter with colleagues urging Seceretary Perdue and Acosta to keep CCCs open and under the Department of Agriculture.

On June 1st, Daines received a commitment from President Trump that the Anaconda Job Corps would remain open and under the Department of Agriculture.

Since the announcement that certain Job Corps centers would close or be transferred to the Department of Labor, Daines spoke directly with President Trump, as well as with both U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, and Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta numerous times on the importance of these Job Corps sites.
