Daines Secures $19 Billion for Ag, Including Livestock, Specialty Crop Producers During Coronavirus Outbreak

U.S. SENATE –U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that USDA will be providing $19 billion in assistance for farmers and ranchers hurting from challenging market conditions due to the Coronavirus pandemic through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Part of the funding will go to help Montana’s cattle producers who have seen a drastic decline in cattle markets during the pandemic. This follows Daines’ request earlier this month to USDA Secretary Perdue urging immediate action for Montana’s ranchers.

“Montana farmers and ranchers drive our economy and feed not only America, but the world,” Daines said. “During this Coronavirus pandemic, the hardworking folks of our ag industry need immediate relief.  I am glad Secretary Perdue acted on my request to immediately get our cattle producers and Montana ag the relief I fought to secure in the Coronavirus Economic Recovery Package.”

CFAP will provide:

  • $16 billion in direct support for farmers and ranchers based on actual losses for agricultural producers impacted by lost demand and oversupply due to the pandemic in 2020.
  • $3 billion in purchases of meat, dairy, and fresh produce to be distributed to food banks, community and faith based organizations, and other relief programs.

Daines worked hard to ensure the CARES Act replenished the Commodity Credit Corporation and appropriated an additional $9.5 billion for USDA to assist producers, including livestock producers, throughout this crisis.

Stakeholder Quotes:

“We sincerely appreciate all the work that Senator Daines did to secure much needed relief for Montana’s farmers and ranchers in the CARES Act, and other means. We especially appreciate that Senator Daines kept the focus on important Montana commodities so we can continue to operate and do our part to feed American families.” – Hans McPherson, President, Montana Farm Bureau

“I just wanted to write you a quick note to thank you for all of your hard work and support on behalf of those of us in the Agriculture Community.  Your tireless effort on the immediate relief to producers and feeders is very much appreciated and needed during this trying time.  I also want to thank you for cosigning a letter sent to the United States Department of Justice to investigate the Big 4 Packers for allegations of price fixing and making sure they are in compliance with United States Anti-Trust Laws.  I am very proud to have you as one of our Senators in Montana and truly believe that you understand Agriculture and all that it means to our great state!” – Joe Goggins, CEO, Vermilion Ranch


Daines has been leading the efforts in Congress to respond to the coronavirus outbreak impacting the country. To read about Daines’ COVID-19 related efforts click HERE.