Working to ban funding for cities/states allowing anarchy in their streets

U.S. Senator Steve Daines, R-Montana, this week sponsored the “Ending Taxpayer Funding of Anarchy Act,” which would restrict federal funding to cities and states that allow “anarchist jurisdictions” when local or city governments give up their duty to protect its citizens from non-governmental actors and protesters and no longer provide police, fire or emergency medical services.

“We cannot let mob rule dominate our cities and communities,” Daines said. “Our tax dollars should go towards restoring public safety, not enabling chaos and destruction.”

This legislation follows the shooting and killing of a 16 year old minor in the Seattle anarchist jurisdiction, called CHOP, formerly known as CHAZ, which was disbanded a few weeks ago.

Nearby businesses and property owners filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Seattle, claiming officials have been too tolerant of those who created the zone and that officials have deprived property owners of their property rights by allowing while the zone existed.

Daines is committed to fighting for the rule of law and stands against the anarchy that has taken over cities across America.

The bill, introduced by Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, in late June, can be read here.