Daines Continues Push to Extend Census Deadline

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined a bipartisan bill that would extend the Census field collection data deadline from September 30th, 2020 to October 31st, 2020.

“The 2020 Census will have a lasting impact on Montana; including the distribution of federal resources to the state and even the potential for more representation in Congress,” Daines said. “We must extend the census deadline to October 31st to ensure a proper count is completed in Montana.”

To view the bill, click HERE.

Much of Montana remains historically undercounted. Ensuring an accurate census count is critical to potentially gaining additional Congressional representation and securing federal resources for Montana communities.


Last Wednesday, Daines announced that he had successfully secured additional support and resources from the Trump administration to improve Montana’s census count, including more than 250 enumerators working to count Montanans.

Earlier this month, Daines sent a letter urging the administration to direct additional census resources to Montana in the final weeks of the field data collection operation to ensure all Montanans are represented.