Daines participates in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial, calls vaccine safe

Missoula, MT — On Thursday, U.S. Senator Steve Daines announced his participation in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial out of Bozeman.

It’s a blind trial, but Daines later tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies and stated in a press call he believes he received the vaccine.

Prior to and during the trial he says he never tested positive or showed symptoms of COVID-19.

“My goal in all of this was to help build confidence and trust for Montanans and the American people who are wondering if they should take the vaccine when it’s approved. This is about saving lives,” said Daines.

Daines stated more than 100 Montanans participated in the trial. Half received a placebo.

This follows Pfizer’s announcement of the vaccine being 95% effective. The company plans to seek FDA emergency use authorization in the coming days.

Daines added in the press call he hopes vaccines from either Pfizer or Moderna will be available within the next few months.

“While I do believe that a vaccine is key to getting back to normal, I don’t believe in mandating it. I would however encourage Montanans to get the vaccine once it’s approved in consultation of course with their doctor,” said Daines.

He said his side effects from the vaccine were similar to the flu shot — soreness in the arm and light chills the first night.