Daines Blasts Biden’s $2 Trillion Partisan COVID-19 Package, Highlights Extraneous Policies Not Dealing with Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – Today at a U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Steve Daines blasted President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package for including partisan policies that aren’t directly related to combating the pandemic, including providing hundreds of billions of dollars for states to tackle pre-pandemic financial issues. 

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“After passing five bipartisan relief bills, it’s frustrating to see my colleagues on the other side of the aisle trying to push forward a partisan, nearly $2 trillion bill instead of continuing to work together on a relief package that helps the folks who need it most,” Daines said.

At the hearing, Daines stressed how Biden’s package irresponsibly provides $350 billion for state and local aid when it’s not needed. Twenty-one states have experienced revenue growth compared to 2019—including California which is looking at a $25 billion surplus.

“What this new pot of hundreds of billions of dollars will go to is fixing problems that states had before the pandemic, blue states like New York and Illinois. I do not believe Montanans should be footing the bill to help states get out of long-term financial problems.” Daines said.

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Daines raised the issue that a $900 billion relief package was passed just two months ago and only 50% of the funds have been spent.

Daines also blasted the Biden proposal for not allotting more money for vaccines and vaccine distribution. 

“It’s very concerning that with this new $2 trillion package, only about 1 percent of this package goes toward COVID-19 vaccines…” Daines said. 

To watch Senator Daines full remarks, click HERE.