Daines Votes No on Haaland Confirmation

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted against confirmation of President Biden’s Interior Secretary nominee Deb Haaland.

“Representative Haaland has a hostile record toward made in America energy, natural resource development, and wildlife and land management. She has enthusiastically called for a ban on all new pipelines and is a leading cosponsor of the Green New Deal. I have serious concerns about how Rep. Haaland will use this position in ways that negatively impact the Montana way of life,” Daines said. “In Montana, we have a rich history of balanced wildlife and land management that allows us to enjoy recreation and promote energy development while still prioritizing conservation. Rep. Haaland has pledged to learn from states like Montana that are able to balance these priorities, and I will hold her to this commitment and look for opportunities where we can pragmatically work together on behalf of Montana.”

Senator Daines previously delivered remarks on the Senate floor to voice his opposition to Rep. Haaland’s confirmation.

Montana leaders from across the state have sent statements in opposition to Haaland’s nomination.

During the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee’s two-day hearing on Haaland’s nomination:

  • Daines questioned Haaland on her views on wildlife management and about her own legislation providing federal protections of the grizzly bear in perpetuity. Haaland refused to commit to follow the science, delist the grizzly bear and return management back to the state. Returning management of the grizzly bear back to the states is critical for public safety, wildlife habitat and communities in Montana. 
  • Haaland dodged important questions about her anti-energy record including her opposition to fracking, pledge to keep fossil fuels in the ground, her opposition to fossil fuel infrastructure, call to ban pipelines and opposition to projects such as the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • Daines raised concerns with Haaland’s evasive responses that she will blindly follow President Biden and his anti-American energy agenda which has already abandoned Montana workers, killed Montana jobs, eliminated millions in revenue for Montana counties, and actually increases emissions. Daines questioned whether she would advise the president or simply follow him.
  • Daines raised concerns and pressed Haaland on her stance on several land management and sportsmen issues, and opposition to trapping on public lands, in the context of her long record of opposing multiple use on public lands—the statutory mandate of the Department of the Interior.
  • Daines raised concerns with her push to make it more difficult to mine in the U.S., forcing the U.S. to rely on countries with terrible human rights and environmental standards to source materials needed to construct renewable energy infrastructure.

To watch Round One of the hearing exchange on Endangered Species Act, grizzly management and energy questions, click HERE.

To watch Round Two of the hearing exchange on critical minerals and renewable energy, hunting and sportsmen opportunities, click HERE.

To watch Round Three of the hearing exchange on Haaland’s 30 X 30 Initiative and balancing multiple-use, click HERE.  

Haaland is ranked one of the top ten most liberal members of the U.S. House of Representatives.