Daines Reintroduces Bill to Prevent Taxpayer Dollars Going to the Abortion Industry

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced the “Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act” to help end taxpayer support for the abortion industry.

“Not a single penny of taxpayer dollars should go to fund Planned Parenthood or any other abortion business,” Daines said. We must protect all life and the consciences of pro-life American taxpayers by defunding the abortion industry once and for all.”

Read the full text of the bill HERE.


·         Every year, the abortion industry receives millions of dollars in direct and indirect federal funding, even though federal law has prohibited use of federal funds for abortion since 1976. A January 2018 Marist poll found that 60 percent of Americans oppose using tax dollars for abortion.

·         Despite performing hundreds of thousands of abortions every year, organizations like Planned Parenthood have received tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money annually. A December 21, 2020, Government Accountability Office report revealed that over the course of three years (FY16-FY18) nearly $2 billion in taxpayer dollars went to three abortion advocacy groups: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Marie Stopes International, and International Planned Parenthood Federation.

·         Abortion providers also benefit from indirect funding when entities that receive federal funding provide or fund abortions. These resources enable abortion providers to focus their resources on abortion. It is important to end this support for the abortion industry. Entities must choose to associate with the abortion industry or to receive federal funds.


Contact: Katherine McKeogh, Katie Schoettler