Daines, Colleagues Combat Anti-Second Amendment Woke Corporations

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines led a group of his colleagues today in introducing the “Firearm Industry Non-Discrimination Act” to stop the federal government from entering into contracts with entities that promote anti-Second Amendment policies.  

“The federal government should not be in business with woke corporations that want to hinder Americans’ constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Sending hard-earned taxpayer dollars to businesses that are anti-Second Amendment is unacceptable—we must send a clear message that their woke agenda has no place here,” Daines said. 

“Fighting gun violence is necessary, but the escalating anti-gun rhetoric from the left and mainstream media is already leading to an increase in discrimination against law-abiding firearm businesses and associations,” Hyde-Smith said. “This bill is intended to protect constitutional Second Amendment rights and establish consequences for those entities that engage in such discrimination, namely by barring them from contracting or subcontracting with the federal government.”

“The radical left’s all out attempt to stamp out industries they disagree with politically is harming our economy and threatening our rights. Corporations and other financial institutions engaging in an ideological crusade to effectively erase the Second Amendment must not be permitted to contract or subcontract with the federal government, at the very least,” Marshall said.

“Our taxpayer dollars should not support entities that discriminate against the firearms industry, plain and simple,” Inhofe said. “That’s why I’m glad to support the FIND Act alongside Sen. Daines, which will ensure that the federal government cannot contract with entities involved in this kind of discrimination.”

“Companies that discriminate against the Second Amendment of our Constitution should not profit off of taxpayer-funded government contracts,” Dr. Cassidy said. “Companies can choose whom they do business with, but so should taxpayers.”

Read the “FIND Act” bill text HERE.

Senators Roger Marshall (Kan.), Bill Cassidy (La.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (Miss.), Jim Inhofe (Okla.) and Rick Scott (Fla.) co-sponsored the bill.



Contact: Blake KernenRachel Dumke