Grant Letter of Support

Senator Daines considers it an honor to write letters of support for grant proposals submitted by non-profits, businesses, and agencies. Please note that Senator Daines may not be able to write letters of support if more than one Montana non-profit, business, or agency is competing for the same grant. Letters of support can only be written when a grant proposal is ready to be submitted to an agency or department.

Please enter the letter of support information into the required fields below and submit your request.  We ask you provide a 7 day notice to process requests effectively. Thank you!

Grantee/Applicant Information:

Grant Information:

Federal Grant Officer's Contact Information:

Project/Program Summary:

For Further Information, Grant Seekers Should Contact

Kristin Kuiken
Staff Assistant 
United States Senator Steve Daines
218 E Front Street, Suite 103
Missoula, MT 59802
Phone: (406) 549-8198
Fax: (406) 549-0905