Securing Our Borders

I am committed to ensuring that the federal government effectively protects Americans from terrorism, drug trafficking, cyber attacks, and other crime, while safeguarding our liberties and privacy. In Montana, our communities are being torn apart by Mexican fentanyl that is flowing in through our southern border. This is an issue folks all over our state are dealing with, and it must stop.

Securing our southern border is a matter of national security. The increase in illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human smuggling is unacceptable. I will support whatever is necessary to secure our borders – including by building a border wall.

Daines: “The American People Know a Stunt When They See it”

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference calling out Joe Biden and Senate Democrats for using political stunts to try to hide the fact that they have failed the American people in every way, from inflation to the border to national security. Watch Daines’ remarks HERE. “Some of you might remember Evel Knievel. Evel Knievel was a daredevil. He was a stunt artist. He was from Butte, Montana. And he attempted some pretty crazy stuff. Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and the Dem allies are giving old Evel Knievel a run for his

Daines Demands Transparency, Accountability, Calls on Schumer to Hold Full Impeachment Trial for Secretary Mayorkas  

 U.S. Senator Steve Daines joined his colleagues in sending a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) calling on the Senate to fulfill its constitutional duty by holding a trial to consider the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “The House of Representatives has considered this evidence and impeached Secretary Mayorkas.  Our constitutional duty requires the Senate to hold a trial. In every previous congressional impeachment of the past 227 years, Congress has been faithful to the process set out by the framers… Never before has the Senate abandoned this duty, even when certain members believed the basis

KBUL: Montana Senator on the Border, the Houthis, Iowa Caucus and More

Aaron Flint Published: January 19, 2024 Montana’s US Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) is filling a key role for the 2024 elections- he’s chairman of the effort to retake the Senate Republican majority as head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). We talked with Senator Daines about the latest in border security negotiations, the Houthis, the Iowa Caucus Results and more. There’s one other question I thought I could have asked him- but it definitely is putting the cart before the horse. That question? Would he look to become the next Senate Majority Leader if he succeeds in taking back

FOX News: Biden hoping border bill will purely help politically, senator says, amid Hamas, French gaffe firestorms

Biden recently confused French President Emmanuel Macron with former President Francois Mitterrand, who died 28 years ago President Biden’s vocal support for the Sinema-Murphy-Lankford border bill is rooted in hopes of solving his political problems, not national security issues, a top Republican claimed. The claim came in the wake of incidents where Biden appeared to commit substantive gaffes or be seeking the proper term in several silent moments, which other observers said simply adds to his political conundrums and fuels questions about his cognitive abilities. National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Steve Daines, R-Mont., told Fox News the issue with current border control

Daines Opposes Senate Border Bill

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today opposing the Senate’s emergency supplemental funding bill: “President Biden could have secured the border on Day One of his presidency and chose not to and the disastrous results speak for themselves. Reversing the effective policies of President Trump turned the southern border into one of the biggest national security risks in our country’s history with illegals streaming across who are on the FBI’s terror watch list as well as from countries that are designated as state sponsors of terror.    “Fixing this crisis demands more than the ‘border never closes’

Daines: Secure the Southern Border, Stem the Flow of Migrants, Reform Asylum Standards

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference calling attention to the severe backlog in the immigration court system that has been caused by President Biden and Senate Democrats’ open border policies. Click HERE to watch the video. “Anyway, many of us have been involved in interviews before. Sometimes the question is ‘Where are you going to be in 10 years?’ That’s a question, you usually or sometimes hear in an interview, but now it’s the question being asked of illegal immigrants who’ve come into this country at the southern border. Hundreds of thousands of

Daines at Republican Leadership Press Conference: “Everybody Else Sees the Southern Border is in Utter Chaos, Time for the Democrats to Wake Up”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference highlighting the public safety and national security threat that President Biden’s record-breaking southern border crisis poses. To watch Daines’ remarks, click HERE. “As you see the news every week on what’s going on the southern border one might wonder are things getting better? Or how could they possibly get worse? Let’s look at the numbers for a moment. Just when we thought we hit record numbers in a prior week the next week breaks those numbers, breaks those records. Twelve thousand migrants apprehended at the border

Daines Slams Biden Administration for Using VA Health Care Resources to Care for Illegal Migrants

“Biden’s border crisis puts illegal immigrants first and puts our Veterans last.” WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference slamming the Biden administration for diverting Department of Veterans Affairs health care resources from veterans to illegal immigrants. Daines also says any supplemental bill must include border security provisions. To watch Daines’ remarks, click HERE. “So, to help frame this current debate on the supplemental bill, I think my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have a misunderstanding. This is not about reaching a bipartisan compromise on immigration reform. There have been